White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 7, 8, 9

“It is?”

F’lar laughed at the Harper’s bland question, a laugh that held no constraint so that Robinton sincerely hoped that this visit mended their relationship.

“Hasn’t Nicat been at you, too, Robinton? To go south to those mines?”

“The ones Toric’s been trading from?”

“I thought you’d know.”

“Yes, I know that Nicat’s worried about mining. The ores are getting very poor. Fandarel’s a good sight more worried than Nicat. He needs the better quality metals.”

“Once we allow the Crafts into the South, the Lord Holders will press for entry …” F’lar instinctively lowered his voice though the courtyard they were crossing was empty.

“The Southern Continent is large enough to take all of Northern Pern and rattle it. Why, we’ve only touched the fringes of it, F’lar. Great Shells and Shards!” Robinton slapped his forehead. “Talk about firelizards and associative memories. That’s it! That’s where D’ram has gone.”


“At least I think that’s where he might have gone.”

“Speak, man. Where?”

“The problem is still when, I fancy. And Ruth is still our key.”

They had only several dragonlengths to go before they reached Mnementh in the meadow. Zair fluttered above Robinton’s head, chittering anxiously well away from the bronze dragon. He refused to alight on Robinton’s shoulder, though the Harper gestured for him to land.

“I’m going to Ruatha to the white dragon, to Ruth. Join us there, then, you silly creature, if you won’t ride on my shoulder.”

“Mnementh doesn’t mind Zair,” F’lar said.

“It’s still the other way round, I’m afraid,” Robinton said.

A hint of anger danced in the bronze rider’s eyes. “No dragon flamed a firelizard.”

“Not here, Weyrleader, not here. But all of them remember seeing it happen. And firelizards can only tell what they or one of them have actually seen.”

“Then let’s get to Ruatha and see if one of them has seen D’ram.”

So the firelizards were still tender subjects, thought Robinton sadly as he climbed up Mnementh’s shoulder to sit behind F’lar. He wished that Zair had not been so wary of Mnementh.

Jaxom and Lytol stood on the Hold steps as Mnementh bugled his name to the watchdragon and circled to land in the huge courtyard. As the two visitors were being greeted, Robinton scanned Jaxom’s face to see if the Threadscore was obvious. He couldn’t see a trace of it and wondered if he was examining the right cheek. He could only hope that Ruth had healed as well. Of course, F’lar was so involved with this business of D’ram he wouldn’t be looking for scoring on Ruth or Jaxom.

“Ruth said Mnementh inquired for him, F’lar,” Jaxom said. “I trust nothing is wrong?”

“Ruth may be able to help us find D’ram.”

“Find D’ram? He hasn’t …” Jaxom paused, looking anxiously at Lytol, who was frowning and shaking his head.

“No, but he has timed it somewhen,” Robinton said. “I thought perhaps if Ruth asked the firelizards, they might tell him.”

Jaxom stared at the Harper, who wondered why the lad looked so stunned and, curiously, scared. Robinton did not miss the quick flick of Jaxom’s eyes toward F’lar nor the convulsive swallowing.

“I remembered hearing you comment that firelizards often tell Ruth things,” Robinton went on in a casual manner, giving Jaxom time to recover his composure. Whatever was bothering the boy?

“Where? Possibly. But when. Master Robinton?”

“I’ve a hunch I know where D’ram went. Would that help?”

“I’m not sure I understand,” Lytol said, looking from one to the other. “What’s this all about?” Lytol had been guiding the visitors into the Hold and toward the small private room. Wine and cups had been set on the table, together with cheese, bread and fruits.

“Well,” Robinton said, eyeing the wineskin, “I’ll explain …”

“And you’ll be dry, I’m sure,” Jaxom said, as he strode to the table to pour. “It’s Benden wine, Master Robinton. Only the best for our distinguished visitors.”

“The lad’s growing up, Lytol,” F’lar said, taking the cup and raising it approvingly toward Lytol.

“The lad has grown up,” Lytol said in a half-growl. “Now, about those firelizards …”

Zair appeared midair, squealed and swooped to Robinton’s shoulder, wrapping his tail tightly about the Harper’s neck and cluttering in a nervous tone as he reassured himself that Robinton had taken no harm riding the biggest one.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne