White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 7, 8, 9

N’ton had been peering intently at Jaxom and his frown deepened so that, for one moment, Jaxom wondered if N’ton had somehow guessed what he and Ruth had actually been doing when they were Threadscored. If they ever found out, Jaxom would be twice bound with added restrictions.

“I think I’ll require a further promise from you, Jaxom,” the bronze rider said. “No more timing it. You’ve been doing far too much of that lately. I can tell from your eyes.”

Startled, Lytol examined his ward’s face more closely.

“I’m in no danger on Ruth, N’ton,” Jaxom said, relieved at being accused of a lesser transgression. “He always knows when he is.”

N’ton dismissed that talent impatiently. “Possibly, but the danger lies in the rider’s mind-an inadvertent time clue that could set both in jeopardy. Coming too close to yourself in subjective time is dangerous. Besides it’s draining for both dragon and rider. You don’t need to time it, young Jaxom. You’ll have time enough for all you need to do.”

N’ton’s words caused Jaxom to recall the inexplicable weakness that had overcome him in the Hatching Ground. Was it possible that at that very moment-“I don’t think you can have realized, Jaxom,” Robinton began, interrupting Jaxom’s thoughts, “just how critical matters are in Pern right now. And you should know.”

“If you mean about the egg-stealing, Master Robinton, and how close it came to dragon attacking dragon, I was in Benden Weyr that morning …”

“Were you?” Robinton was mildly surprised and shook his head as if he ought not to have forgotten. “Then you can guess at Lessa’s temper today. If that egg hadn’t hatched properly …”

“But the egg was returned. Master Robinton.” Jaxom was confused. Why would Lessa still be upset?

“Yes,” the Harper replied, “apparently not everyone in Southern was blind to the consequences of the theft. But Lessa is not appeased.”

“An insult was given Benden Weyr, and Ramoth and Lessa,” N’ton said.

“Dragons can’t fight dragons!” Jaxom was appalled. “That’s why the egg was returned.” If his risk and Ruth’s injury had been futile …

“Our Lessa is a woman of strong emotions, Jaxom-revenge being one of those most highly developed in her. Remember how you came to be Lord here?” Robinton’s expression indicated regret for reminding Jaxom of his origin. “I do not belittle the Benden Weyrwoman when I say that. Such perseverance in the face of incredible odds is laudable. But her tenacity over the insult could have a disastrous effect on all Pern. So far, reason has prevailed but currently that balance is shaky indeed.”

Jaxom nodded, perceiving that he could never admit to his part, relieved that he had not blurted out his adventure to Lytol. No one must ever know that he, Jaxom, had returned the egg. Particularly Lessa. He sent a silent command to Ruth, who drowsily replied that he was too tired to talk to anyone about anything and couldn’t he please sleep?

“Yes,” Jaxom said in reply to Robinton, “I quite understand the need for discretion.”

“There is another event,” Robinton’s mobile face drew into a sorrowful grimace as he sought the proper word, “an event which will shortly compound our problems.” He glanced at N’ton. “D’ram.”

“I think you’re right, Robinton,” the bronze rider said. “He’s unlikely to remain Weyrleader if Fanna dies.”

“If? I’m afraid we must say when. And, according to what Master Oldive told me, the sooner it happens, the kinder it will be.”

“I didn’t know that Fanna was ill,” Jaxom said, and his thoughts leaped ahead to the sorrowful knowledge that Fanna’s queen, Mirath, would suicide when her Weyrwoman died. A queen’s death would upset every dragon-and Lessa and Ramoth!

Lytol’s expression was bleak, as it always was whenever he was reminded of his own dragon’s death. Jaxom swallowed the remainder of his pride and dismay about apprenticing as a weyrling; he would never risk injuring Ruth again.

“Fanna’s been declining gradually,” Robinton was saying, “a wasting sickness that nothing seems to halt. Master Oldive is at Ista with her now.”

“Yes, his firelizard will summon me when he’s ready to leave. I want to be available to D’ram,” N’ton said.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne