White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 7, 8, 9

“Firelizards, yes, hmmm,” said Robinton. “Another sore subject at Benden Weyr.” He glanced at his bronze, perched contentedly on his shoulder. “I felt naked without Zair at that Hatching. Upon my word!” He stared at his somnolent bronze, then over to N’ton’s Tris, drowsy-eyed on the rider’s arm. “They’ve calmed down!”

“Ruth’s here,” N’ton said, stroking Tris. “They feel safe with him.”

“No, that isn’t it,” Menolly said, her eyes resting on Jaxom’s face. “They were worried even with Ruth. But that wild restlessness is gone. No more visions of the egg!” She peered sideways at her little queen. “I suppose that makes sense. It’s Hatched and healthy. Whatever was plaguing them hasn’t happened. Or,” she stared at Jaxom suddenly, “or has it?”

Jaxom affected surprise and confusion.

“They were worried about the egg hatching, Menolly?” Robinton asked. “Too bad we can’t tell Lessa how concerned they’ve all been. It might help restore them to her good graces.”

“I think it’s high time something was done about firelizards,” Menolly said severely.

“My dear girl …” Robinton was surprised.

“I don’t mean ours, Master Robinton. They’ve proved to be extremely useful. Too many people take them for granted and make no effort to train them.” She gave a peculiar laugh. “As Jaxom can vouch. They congregate wherever Ruth goes till he’s driven between by their attentions. Isn’t that right, Jaxom?” There was a strange quality about her gaze that puzzled him.

“I wouldn’t say he objects … most of the time, Menolly,” he replied coolly, casually stretching his long legs under the table. “But a fellow likes a little time to himself, you know.”

Lytol gave a knowing snort which told Jaxom that Brand had had a word with the Warder about Corana.

“Why? To chew firestone?” N’ton asked, grinning.

“Was that what you were doing with your … time, Jaxom?” Menolly asked him, her eyes wide, affecting innocent inquiry.

“You might say so.”

“Do the firelizards really present you with problems?” Robinton asked, “in their preference for Ruth’s company?”

“Well, sir,” Jaxom replied, “no matter where we go, every firelizard in the vicinity pops in to see Ruth. Generally it’s no bother because they keep Ruth amused if I’m busy with Hold matters.”

“They wouldn’t by any chance have told Ruth why they’ve been troubled? Or did you know about those images?” Robinton leaned forward, eager to have Jaxom’s answer.

“You mean firelizards being flamed? The dark nothingness and the egg? Oh yes, they’ve been driving Ruth frantic with that nonsense,” said Jaxom. He scowled as if annoyed for his friend, and was careful not to look in Menolly’s direction. “But that seems to have passed. Perhaps the disturbance was connected with the stolen egg. But it’s hatched now and look, they’re not the least bit as agitated as they’ve been, and they’re letting Ruth sleep by himself again.”

“Where were you when the egg was being Hatched?” Menolly pounced on Jaxom so swiftly with her question that Robinton and N’ton regarded her with surprise.

“Why,” and Jaxom laughed as he touched his scored cheek, “trying to sear Thread!”

His ready answer threw Menolly into quiet confusion while Robinton, Lytol and N’ton all had another go at him for his foolhardiness. He endured the scolding in good part because it kept Menolly from plaguing him. She’d been suspicious after all. He wished that he could tell her the truth. Of all the people on Pern, she was the only one he could trust now that he knew how infinitely wiser it was to let everyone else believe a Southern dragonrider had returned the egg. He was discontented, though, because it would be a relief, a pleasure, to be able to tell someone what he’d done.

Food was served them and they kept the discussions to the problem of the firelizards-whether they were more nuisance than valuable-until Jaxom pointed out that everyone about the table was converted. What they needed was a way to pacify Lessa and Ramoth.

“Ramoth will forget her aggravation soon enough,” N’ton said.

“Lessa won’t, although I doubt there’ll be that much reason for me to send Zair to Benden Weyr.”

As N’ton and Lytol vigorously reassured the Harper, Jaxom realized there was a curious restraint about the man, an odd note in his voice when he mentioned Benden or the Weyrwoman. Robinton wasn’t worried simply that Lessa had prohibited firelizards at Benden.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne