Windmills of the Gods by Sidney Sheldon

“No, thanks. Barbara wants me to watch my waistline.”

The President nodded to Henry, the steward, and he quietly left the room.

Barbara. She had surprised everyone. The gossip around Washington was that the marriage would not last out the first year. But it had been almost fifteen years now, and it was a success. Stanton Rogers had built up a prestigious law practice in Washington, and Barbara had earned the reputation of being a gracious hostess.

Paul Ellison rose and began to pace. “My people-to-people speech seems to have caused quite an uproar. I suppose you’ve seen all the newspapers.”

Stanton Rogers shrugged. “You know how they are. They love to build up heroes so they can knock them down.”

“Frankly, I don’t give a damn what the papers say. I’m interested in what people are saying.”

“Quite candidly, you’re scaring the hell out of a lot of people, Paul. The armed forces are against your plan, and some powerful movers and shakers would like to see it fail.”

“It’s not going to fail.” He leaned back in his chair. “Do you know the biggest problem with the world today? There are no more statesmen. Countries are being run by politicians. There was a time not too long ago when this earth was peopled with giants. Some were good, and some were evil—but, by God, they were giants. Roosevelt and Churchill, Hitler and Mussolini, Charles de Gaulle and Joseph Stalin. Why did they all live at that one particular time? Why aren’t there any statesmen today?”

“It’s pretty hard to be a world giant on a twenty-one-inch screen.”

The steward appeared, bearing a silver tray with a pot of coffee and two cups, each imprinted with the presidential seal. He skillfully poured the coffee. “Can I get you something else, Mr. President?”

“No. That’s it, Henry. Thank you.”

The President waited until the steward had gone. “I want to talk to you about finding the right ambassador to Romania.”


“I don’t have to tell you how important this is. I want you to move on it as quickly as possible.”

Stanton Rogers took a sip of his coffee and rose to his feet. “I’ll get State on it right away.”

In the little suburb of Neuilly, it was two A.M. Marin Groza’s villa lay in ebon darkness, the moon nested in a thick layer of storm clouds. The streets were hushed at this hour, with only the sound of an occasional passerby rippling the silence. A black-clad figure moved noiselessly through the trees toward the brick wall that surrounded the villa. Over one shoulder he carried a rope and a blanket, and in his arms was cradled an Uzi with a silencer and a dart gun. When he reached the wall, he stopped and listened. He waited, motionless, for five minutes. Finally, satisfied, he uncoiled the nylon rope and tossed the scaling hook attached to the end of it upward until it caught on the far edge of the wall. Swiftly, the man began to climb. When he reached the top of the wall, he flung the blanket across it to protect himself against the poison-tipped metal spikes embedded on top. He stopped again to listen. He reversed the hook, shifting the rope to the inside of the wall, and slid down onto the grounds. He checked the balisong at his waist, the deadly Filipino folding knife that could be flicked open or closed with one hand.

The attack dogs would be next. The intruder crouched there, waiting for them to pick up his scent. There were three Dobermans, trained to kill. But they were only the first obstacle. The grounds and the villa were filled with electronic devices, and continuously monitored by television cameras. All mail and packages were received at the gatehouse and opened there by the guards. The doors of the villa were bombproof. The villa had its own water supply, and Marin Groza had a food taster. The villa was impregnable. Supposedly. The figure in black was here this night to prove that it was not.

He heard the sounds of the dogs rushing at him before he saw them. They came flying out of the darkness, charging at his throat. There were two of them. He aimed the dart gun and shot the nearest one on his left first, and then the one on his right, dodging out of the way of their hurtling bodies. He spun around, alert for the third dog, and when it came, he fired again, and then there was only stillness.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon