Winter Moon. By: Dean R. Koontz


He said, “They didn’t need bodies, Skipper. You know that. Nobody

needs bodies in heaven.”

“They are bodies,” the Toby-thing said cryptically. “Their bodies


“Not any more. They’re spirits now.”

“Don’t understand.”

“Sure you do. Souls. Their souls went to heaven.”

“Bodies are.”

“Went to heaven to be with God.”

“Bodies are.”

Toby stared through him. Deep in Toby’s eyes, however, like a coiling

thread of smoke, something moved. Jack sensed that something was

regarding him intensely.

“Bodies are. Puppets are. What else?” Jack didn’t know how to


The breeze coming across the flank of the sloped yard was as cold as if

it had skimmed over a glacier on its way to them. The Toby-thing

returned to the first question that it had asked: “What are they doing

down there?”

Jack glanced at the graves, then into the boy’s eyes, deciding to be

straightforward. He wasn’t actually talking to a little boy, so he

didn’t need to use euphemisms. He was crazy, imagining the whole

conversation as well as the inhuman presence. Either way, what he said

didn’t matter.

“They’re dead.”

“What is dead?”

“They are. These three people buried here.”

“What is dead?”


“What is lifeless?”

“Without life.”

“What is life?”

“The opposite of death.”

“What is death?”

Desperately, Jack said, “Empty, hollow, rotting.”

“Bodies are.”

“Not forever.”

“Bodies are.”

“Nothing lasts forever.”

“Everything lasts.”


“Everything becomes.”

“Becomes what?” Jack asked.

He was now beyond giving answers himself, was full of his own


“Everything becomes,” the Toby-thing repeated.

“Becomes what?”

“Me. Everything becomes me.”

Jack wondered what in the hell he was talking to and whether he was

making more sense to it than it was making to him. He began to doubt

that he was even awake. Maybe he’d taken a nap. If he wasn’t insane,

perhaps he was asleep.

Snoring in the armchair in the study, a book in his lap.

Maybe Heather had never come to tell him Toby was in the cemetery, in

which case all he had to do was wake up.

The breeze felt real. Not like a dream wind. Cold, piercing. And it

had picked up enough speed to give it a voice. Whispering in the

grass, soughing in the trees along the edge of the higher woods,

keening softly, softly.

The Toby-thing said, “Suspended.”


“Different sleep.”

Jack glanced at the graves. “No.”



“Puppets waiting.”

“No. Dead.”

“Tell me their secret.”


“The secret.”

“They’re just dead.”

“Tell me.”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

The boy’s expression was still calm, but his face was flushed. The

arteries were throbbing visibly in his temples, as if his blood

pressure had soared off the scale.

“Tell me!”

Jack was shaking uncontrollably, increasingly frightened by the cryptic

nature of their exchanges, worried that he understood even less of the

situation than he thought he did and that his ignorance might lead him

to say the wrong thing and somehow put Toby into even greater danger

than he already was.

“Tell me!”

Overwhelmed by fear and confusion and frustration, Jack grabbed Toby by

the shoulders, stared into his strange eyes.

“Who are you?”

No answer.

“What’s happened to my Toby?”

After a long silence: “What’s the matter, Dad?”

Jack’s scalp prickled. Being called

“Dad” by this thing, this hateful

intruder, was the worst affront yet.


“Stop it.”

“Daddy, what’s wrong?”

But he wasn’t Toby. No way. His voice still didn’t have its natural

inflections, his face was slack, and his eyes were wrong.

“Dad, what’re you doing?”

The thing in possession of Toby apparently hadn’t realized that its

masquerade had come undone. Until now it had thought that Jack

believed he was speaking with his son. The parasite was struggling to

improve its performance.

“Dad, what did I do? Are you mad at me? I didn’t do anything, Dad,

really I didn’t.”

“What are you?” Jack demanded.

Tears slid from the boy’s eyes. But the nebulous something was behind

the tears, an arrogant puppetmaster confident of its ability to


“Where’s Toby? You sonofabitch, whatever the hell you are, give him

back to me.”

Jack’s hair fell across his eyes. Sweat glazed his face. To anyone

coming upon them just then, his extreme fear would appear to be

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Categories: Koontz, Dean