Wyndham, John – Chocky

Jack de Manio – a popular BBC announcer and compere

hang it! – an exclamation of anger or exasperation

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Thursday made up for it – (here) on Thursday there was a lot about Matthew in the newspapers

vis-a-vis (Fr., opposite) – a person who is face to face with another (as in a railway carriage)

the Waterloo Station – a big railway station in London

Bloomsbury Square – a square in the centre of London, near the British Museum

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you’ll have gathered = you must have understood

you … could do with …

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big groups – (here) big companies or firms (see below: big boys = big business men)

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the Downs – the treeless, hilly uplands of Kent and Sussex in southwestern England

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feeling much the better for our weekend = feeling much the better after our weekend rest

the Sundays – (here) Sunday newspapers

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the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) – outstanding British general and ststesman; defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815

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Sir William Something – Something stands for the surname which Mary doesn’t remember. See also Sir William Thing (p.177). Cf. Russ.

She had a point = (here) she was right

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unless it were to become persistent = unless it became persistent

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Thorbe had been right off the beam = Thorbe had been absolutely wrong

take it at face value = (here) believe it

all I had got was a brush-off and a let-down = I had only been brushed off (got rid of) and let down (disappointed)

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to cut school = to stay away from school

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He’s kept everything so bottled up. = He hasn’t been willing to discuss his problems with anybody.

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The Monday papers took it up. = On Monday all the newspapers wrote about it.

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a high tea – a meal somewhat more substantial and served later than the usual five o’clock tea

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with the address at the top – in Great Britain and some other countries the return address is usually written on the flap of the envelope, that is, at the top of the back side

Aptford House, Wonersh, near Guildford – Guildford, a town about 20 miles SouthWest of London; Wonersh, a former village, now a district of Guilford. No street or number is given because in small places like Wonersh houses are usually known by names their owners give them, as Aptford House.

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his hair was all end

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I was feeling at sea = I was uncertain, bewildered

seance (Fr.) – a meeting at which a group of spiritualists try to communicate with the spirits of the dead through a medium, a person who is believed to be able to speak with such spirits

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a sack-race – a race in which each participant lies his legs in a sack and moves by jumping

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parsec – a unit of measure of astronomical distance, equal to 3.26 light years, or 19,200,000,000,000 miles

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a man who has struck gold = a man who has found a treasure

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They wrung him dry. = They made him tell them everything he knew.

you had the whole thing on a plate = you could easily do whatever you intended to

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Categories: Wyndham, John