04 God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert

rumbling while Leto was bringing the cart into the chamber’s lights, closing the entrance behind it. Leto opened the bubble cover. Sand grated beneath him as he rolled to the litter and lifted his front segments to peer in at Malky who lay as though sleeping, lashed into the litter by broad gray elastic bindings. The man’s face was ashen under dark gray hair.

Haw he has aged, Leto thought.

Moneo stepped down off the cart and looked back at the litter’s occupant. “He is injured, Lord. They want to send a medical. . .”

“They wanted to send a spy.”

Leto studied Malky the dark wrinkled skin, the sunken cheeks, that sharp nose at such contrast with the rounded oval of his face. The heavy eyebrows had turned almost white. There but for a lifetime of testosterone . . . yes.

Malky’s eyes opened. Such a shock to find evil in those doe-like brown eyes! A smile twitched Malky’s mouth.

“Lord Leto.” Malky’s voice was little more than a husky whisper. His eyes turned right, focusing on the majordomo. “And Moneo. Forgive me for not rising to the occasion.”

“Are you in pain?” Leto asked.

“Sometimes.” Malky’s eyes moved to study his surroundings. “Where are the houris?”

“I’m afraid I must deny you that pleasure, Malky.”

“Just as well,” Malky husked. “I don’t really feel up to their demands. Those were not houris you sent after me, Leto.”

“They were professional in their obedience to me,” Leto said.

“They were bloody hunters!”

“Anteac was the hunter. My Fish Speakers were merely the clean-up crew.”

Moneo shifted his attention from one speaker to the other, back and forth. There were disturbing undertones in this conversation. Despite the huskiness, Malky sounded almost flippant . . . but then he had always been that way. A dangerous man!

Leto said: “Just before your arrival, Moneo and I were discussing Infinity.”

“Poor Moneo,” Malky said.

Leto smiled. “Do you remember, Malky? You once asked me to demonstrate Infinity.”

“You said no Infinity exists to be demonstrated.” Malky

swept his gaze toward Moneo. “Leto likes to play with paradox. He knows all the tricks of language that have ever been discovered.” Moneo put down a surge of anger. He felt excluded from this conversation, an object of amusement by two superior beings. Malky and the God Emperor were almost like two old friends reliving the pleasures of a mutual past. “Moneo accuses me of being the sole possessor of Infinity,” Leto said. “He refuses to believe that he has just as much of Infinity as I have.” Malky stared up at Leto. “You see, Moneo? You see how tricky he is with words?” “Tell me about your niece, Hwi Noree,” Leto said. “Is it true, Leto, what they say? That you are going to wed the gentle Hwi?” “It is true.” Malky chuckled, then grimaced with pain. “They did terrible damage to me, Leto,” he whispered, then: “Tell me, old worm. . .” Moneo gasped. Malky took a moment to recover from pain, then: “Tell me, old worm, is there a monster penis hidden in that monster body of yours? What a shock for the gentle Hwi!” “I told you the truth about that long ago,” Leto said. “Nobody tells the truth,” Malky husked. “You often told me the truth,” Leto said. “Even when you didn’t know it.” “That’s because you’re cleverer than the rest of us.” “Will you tell me about Hwi?” “I think you already know it.” “I want to hear it from you,” Leto said. “Did you get help from the Tleilaxu?” “They gave us knowledge, nothing more. Everything else we did for ourselves.” “I thought it was not the Tleilaxus’ doing.” Moneo could no longer contain his curiosity. “Lord, what is this of Hwi and Tleilaxu? Why do you…” “Here there, old friend Moneo,” Malky said, rolling his gaze toward the majordomo. “Don’t you know what he. . .” “I was never your friend!” Moneo snapped. “Companion among the houris then,” Malky said. “Lord,” Moneo said, turning toward Leto, “why do you speak of…”

“Shhh, Moneo,” Leto said. “We are tiring your old companion and I have things to learn from him yet.”

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Categories: Herbert, Frank