04 God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert

“Your Fish Speakers talk about rebels.” “They exist.” “Why?”

“They are young and I have not convinced them that my way is better. It’s very difficult convincing the young of anything. They’re born knowing so much.” “I never before heard an Atreides sneer at the young that way.” “Perhaps it’s because I’m so much older-old compounded by old. And my task gets more difficult with each passing generation.” “What is your task?” “You will come to understand it as we go along.” “What happens if I fail you? Do your women eliminate me?” “I try not to burden the Fish Speakers with guilt.” “But you would burden me?” “If you accept it.” “If I find that you’re worse than the Harkonnens, I’ll turn against you.” How like a Duncan. They measure all evil against the Harkonnens. How little they know of evil. Leto said: “The Baron ate whole planets, Duncan. What could be worse than that?” “Eating the Empire.” “I am pregnant with my Empire. I’ll die giving birth to it.” “If I could believe that . . .” “Will you command my Guard?” “Why me’?” “You’re the best.” “Dangerous work, I’d imagine. Is that how my predecessors died, doing your dangerous work?” “Some of them.” “I wish I had the memories of those others!” “You couldn’t have and still be the original.” “I want to learn about them, though.” “You will.” “So the Atreides still need a sharp knife?” “We have jobs that only a Duncan Idaho can do.” “You say . . . we . . .” Idaho swallowed, looked at the door, then at Leto’s face. Leto spoke to him as Muad’Dib would have, but still in the Leto-voice.

“When we climbed to Sietch Tabr for the last time together, you had my loyalty then and I had yours. Nothing of that has really changed.”

“That was your father.”

“That was me!” Paul Muad’Dib’s voice of command coming from Leto’s bulk always shocked the gholas.

Idaho whispered: “All of you . . . in that one . . . body. . .” He broke off.

Leto remained silent. This was the decision moment.

Presently, Idaho permitted himself that devil-may-care grin for which he had been so well known. “Then I will speak to the first Leto and to Paul, the ones who know me best. Use me well, for I did love you.”

Leto closed his eyes. Such words always distressed him. He knew it was love to which he was most vulnerable.

Moneo, who had been listening, came to the rescue. He entered and said: “Lord, shall I take Duncan Idaho to the guards he will command?”

“Yes.” The one word was all that Leto could manage.

Moneo took Idaho’s arm and led him away.

Good Moneo, Leto thought. So good. He knows me so well, but l despair of his ever understanding me.

=== I know the evil of my ancestors because I am those people. The balance is delicate in the extreme. I know that few of you who read my words have ever thought about your ancestors this way. It has not occurred to you that your ancestors were survivors and that the survival itself sometimes involved savage decisions, a kind of wanton brutality which civilized humankind works very hard to suppress. What price will you pay for that suppression? Will you accept your own extinction?

-The Stolen Journals

AS HE dressed for his first morning of Fish Speaker command, Idaho tried to shake off a nightmare. It had awakened him twice and both times he had gone out on the balcony to stare up at the stars, the dream still roaring in his head. Women . . . weaponless women in black armor . . . rushing at him with the hoarse, mindless shouting of a mob . . . waving hands moist with red blood… and as they swarmed over him, their mouths opened to display terrible fangs! In that moment, he awoke. Morning light did little to dispel the effects of the nightmare. They had provided him with a room in the north tower. The balcony looked out over a vista of dunes to a distant cliff with what appeared to be a mud-but village at its base. Idaho buttoned his tunic as he stared at the scene. Why does Leto choose only women for his army? Several comely Fish Speakers had offered to spend the night with their new commander, but Idaho had rejected them. It was not like the Atreides to use sex as a persuader!

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Categories: Herbert, Frank