“It wasn’t really a very nice afternoon for
walking, especially after dark in a muddy
lane. Curious how energetic everyone seems
to have felt.”
On Inspector Neele’s return to the house he
y. was greeted by Sergeant Hay with an air of
“I’ve found out about the blackbirds for
you, sir,” he said.
“You have, have you?”
“Yes, sir, in a pie they were. Cold pie was
left out for Sunday night’s supper. Somebody
got at that pie in the larder or somewhere.
They’d taken off the crust and they’d taken
out the veal and ‘am what was inside it, and
what d’you think they put in instead? Some
stinkin’ blackbirds they got out of the
gardener’s shed. Nasty sort of trick to play,
wasn’t it?”
“Wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before
the king?” said Inspector Neele.
He left Sergeant Hay staring after him.