thinking–watching the clenching and unclenching

of Jennifer’s hands. Miss Marple

thought that for some reason Jennifer Fortescue

was very badly frightened indeed.



IT was growing dark. Miss Marple had

taken her knitting over to the window in

the library. Looking out of the glass pane

she saw Pat Fortescue walking up and down

the terrace outside. Miss Marple unlatched

the window and called through it.

“Come in, my dear. Do come in. I’m sure

it’s much too cold and damp for you to be out

there without a coat on.”

Pat obeyed the summons. She came in and

shut the window and turned on two of the


“Yes,” she said, “it’s not a very nice

afternoon.” She sat down on the sofa by Miss

Marple “What are you knitting?”

“Oh, just a little matinee coat, dear. For a

baby, you know. I always say young mothers

can’t have too many matinee coats for their

babies. It’s the second size. I always knit the

second size. Babies so soon grow out of the

first size.”

Pat stretched out long legs towards the fire.

“It’s nice in here to-day,” she said. “With


the fire and the lamps and you knitting things

for babies. It all seems cosy and homely and

like England ought to be.”

“It’s like England is,” said Miss Marple.

“There are not so many Yewtree Lodges, my


“I think that’s a good thing,” said Pat. “I

don’t believe this was ever a happy house. I

don’t believe anybody was ever happy in it, in

spite of all the money they spent and the

things they had.”

“No,” Miss Marple agreed. “I shouldn’t

say it had been a happy house.”

“I suppose Adele may have been happy,”

said Pat. “I never met her, of course, so I

don’t know, but Jennifer is pretty miserable

and Elaine’s been eating her heart out over a

young man whom she probably knows in her

heart of hearts doesn’t care for her. Oh, how I

want to get away from here!” She looked at

Miss Marple and smiled suddenly. “D’you

know,” she said, “that Lance told me to stick

as close to you as I could. He seemed to think

I should be safe that way.”

“Your husband’s no fool,” said Miss


“No. Lance isn’t a fool. At least, he is in

some ways. But I wish he’d tell me exactly


what he’s afraid of. One thing seems clear

enough. Somebody in this house is mad, and

madness is always frightening because you

don’t know how mad people’s minds will

work. You don’t know what they’ll do next.”

“My poor child,” said Miss Marple.

“Oh, I’m all right, really. I ought to be

tough enough by now.”

Miss Marple said gently:

“You’ve had a good deal of unhappiness,

haven’t you, my dear?”

“Oh, I’ve had some very good times, too. I

had a lovely childhood in Ireland, riding,

hunting, and a great big, bare, draughty

house with lots and lots of sun in it. If you’ve

had a happy childhood, nobody can take that

away from you, can they? It was afterwards—

when I grew up—that things seemed always

to go wrong. To begin with, I suppose, it was

the war.”

“Your husband was a fighter pilot, wasn’t


“Yes. We’d only been married about a

month when Don was shot down.” She stared

ahead other into the fire. “I thought at first I

wanted to die too. It seemed so unfair, so

cruel. And yet—in the end—1 almost began to

see that it had been the best thing. Don was


wonderful in the war. Brave and reckless and

gay. He had all the qualities that are needed,

wanted in a war. But I don’t believe, somehow,

peace would have suited him. He had a

kind of–oh, how shall I put it?–arrogant

insubordination. He wouldn’t have fitted in

or settled down. He’d have fought against

things. He was–well, anti-social in a way.

No, he wouldn’t have fitted in.”

“It’s wise of you to see that, my dear.”

Miss Marple bent over her knitting, picked

up a stitch, counted under her breath,

“Three plain, two purl, slip one, knit two

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Categories: Christie, Agatha