ladies appeared to be discussing foreign


“I’ll go away. Inspector.” Miss Marple

rose hurriedly to her feet.

“No need, madam,” said Inspector Neele.

“I’ve asked Miss Marple to come and stay

in the house,” said Miss Ramsbottom. “No

sense in spending money in that ridiculous

Golf Hotel. A wicked nest of profiteers, that

is. Drinking and card playing all the evening.

She’d better come and stay in a decent

Christian household. There’s a room next

door to mine. Dr. Mary Peters, the missionary, had it last.”

“It’s very, very kind of you,” said Miss

Marple, “but I really think I mustn’t intrude

in a house of mourning.”

“Mourning? Fiddlesticks,” said Miss

Ramsbottom. “Who’ll weep for Rex in this

house? Or Adele either? Or is it the police


you’re worried about? Any objections,


“None from me, madam.”

“There you are,” said Miss Ramsbottom. “It’s very kind of you,” said Miss Marple

gratefully. “I’ll go and telephone to the hotel

to cancel my booking.” She left the room and

Miss Ramsbottom said sharply to the


“Well, and what do you want?”

“I wondered if you could tell me anything

about the Blackbird Mine, ma’am.”

Miss Ramsbottom uttered a sudden, shrill

cackle of laughter.

“Ha. You’ve got on to that, have you! Took

the hint I gave you the other day. Well, what

do you want to know about it?”

“Anything you can tell me, madam.”

“I can’t tell you much. It’s a long time ago

now–oh, twenty to twenty-five years maybe.

Some concession or other in East Africa. My

brother-in-law went into it with a man called

MacKenzie. They went out there to investigate

the mine together and MacKenzie died

out there of fever. Rex came home and said

the claim or the concession or whatever you

call it was worthless. That’s all /


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“I think you know a little more than that,

ma’am,” said Neele persuasively.

“Anything else is hearsay. You don’t like

hearsay in the law, so I’ve been told.”

“We’re not in court yet, ma’am.”

“Well, I can’t tell you anything. The

MacKenzies kicked up a fuss. That’s all I

know. They insisted that Rex had swindled

MacKenzie. I daresay he did. He was a

clever, unscrupulous fellow, but I’ve no

doubt whatever he did it was all legal. They

couldn’t prove anything. Mrs. MacKenzie

was an unbalanced sort of woman. She came

here and made a lot of threats of revenge.

Said Rex had murdered her husband. Silly,

melodramatic fuss! I think she was a bit off

her head—in fact, I believe she went into an

asylum not long after. Came here dragging

along a couple of young children who looked

scared to death. Said she’d bring up her

children to have revenge. Something like

that. Tomfoolery, all of it. Well, that’s all I

can tell you. And mind you, the Blackbird

Mine wasn’t the only swindle that Rex put

over in his lifetime. You’ll find a good many

more if you look for them. What put you on

to the Blackbird? Did you come across some

trail leading to the MacKenzies?”


“You don’t know what became of the

family, ma’am?”

“No idea,” said Miss Ramsbottom. “Mind

you, I don’t think Rex would have actually

murdered MacKenzie, but he might have left

him to die. The same thing before the Lord,

but not the same thing before the law. If he

did, retribution’s caught up with him. The

mills of God grind slowly, but they grind

exceeding small—you’d better go away now, I

can’t tell you any more and it’s no good your


“Thank you very much for what you have

told me,” said Inspector Neele.

“Send that Marple woman back,” Miss

Ramsbottom called after him. “She’s

frivolous, like all Church of England people,

but she knows how to run a charity in a

sensible way.”

Inspector Neele made a couple of telephone

calls, the first to Ansell and Worrall and the

second to the Golf Hotel, then he summoned

Sergeant Hay and told him that he was

leaving the house for a short period.

“I’ve a call to pay at a solicitor’s

office—after that, you can get me at the Golf

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