Angel Fire East by Terry Brooks

Inside, she found John Ross checking the last of the locks on the doors and windows, a job she had left him to complete in her absence after informing him of Pick’s efforts at implementing an early-warning system. When she told him about Bennett Scott, he just shook his head wordlessly. Mike the electrician had departed, his work finished, and the heat and lights were back on. She glanced into the living room where Harper and Little John were sitting cross-legged hi front of the Christmas tree, playing. Colored tree lights reflected off the Mylar ribbons and paper wrapped about the scattering of presents nestled behind them. The scene had the look of a Hallmark card.

She walked into the kitchen and found the message light blinking on the answer phone. There were two messages. Both had come in this morning. The first was from Paul.

“Hi, it’s me again. Just following up yesterday’s call. Looks like I missed you. But I’ll keep trying. Been thinking about you. Keep a good thought for me, and I’ll talk with you later. Happy holidays.”

The familiar sound of his voice made her both smile and ache. She found herself wanting to talk with him, too. Just hearing those few words stirred memories and feelings that hadn’t surfaced for a long time. Maybe it was because she was so lonely. Maybe it was because she missed what they’d once had more than she was willing to admit.

She closed her eyes a moment, picturing his face, then played the second message. It was a phone number. That was all. But she recognized the voice instantly. The good feelings went away, and she stared at the phone for a long moment before punching in the number.

“Miss Freemark,” Findo Gask said when he picked up the receiver on the other end. No hesitation, no greeting. “Why don’t you just give me what I want and we can put an end to this business.”

Even knowing he would be there, she felt a jolt go through her at the sound of his voice.

“That would be the easiest thing to do, wouldn’t it?” she replied. She was surprised at how calm she sounded, given what she was feeling.

“Maybe you could avoid any more unpleasantness,” he suggested pointedly. “Maybe no one else would walk off the edge of a cliff. Maybe you wouldn’t find any more surprises hiding in your basement. Maybe your life could go back to the way it used to be.”

She shook her head at the receiver. “I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s possible anymore.”

He chuckled softly, and she hated him so much she could barely keep from screaming it out. “Well, life requires adapting to change, I guess. The trick is to adapt in the way least harmful to yourself and those around you. You haven’t done very well with that of late, Miss Freemark. Your choices have cost you the lives of Bennett Scott and Ray Childress. They have resulted in your very nasty encounter with the ur’droch. What did you think of him, Miss Freemark? Would you like him to pay you another visit? He’s very fond of children.”

She took a deep breath. “I’ll be waiting for him next time, Mr. Cask. His visit might have a different ending.”

The gravelly voice purred. “Such stubbornness is foolish and pointless. You can’t win, Miss Freemark. Don’t think you can. Your allies are dropping away. Even that big Indian in the park. You’ve lost him, too.”

Her throat tightened, and she felt her breath catch in shock. Two Bears? No, they couldn’t have done anything to him. Not him. She saw him in her mind, a rock, immovable, powerful. O’olish Amaneh. No, not him. She would know.

“I can tell you don’t believe me,” Findo Cask said quietly. “Suit yourself. What you believe or don’t believe changes nothing. He’s gone, and he’s not coming back. Is Mr. Ross to be next? How about that little sylvan who lives in the park? You’re pretty fond of him, aren’t you? What do you think about the ur’droch taking him—”

She placed the receiver gently back on its cradle, and the hateful voice died away. She stood staring at the phone, Findo Cask’s words echoing in her mind. Her hands were shaking. She waited a long time for the phone to ring again, for Findo Gask to call back, but nothing happened.

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Categories: Terry Brooks