Angel Fire East by Terry Brooks

She nodded slowly. “That’s better. Much better. Now I’m seeing you the way you really are. Demon threats are all well and good, but they work best when they are directed toward children and from behind a shield of numbers.”

Her words were laced with venom, and hot anger burned through her. Wraith was awake and moving inside, all impatience and dark need, her bitterness fueling his drive to break free and attack. She was tempted. She was close to letting him go, to willing him out of her body and onto the hateful form of the creature in front of her. She wasn’t sure how that would end, but it might be worth finding out.

“I made a mistake with you when you came to my house two days ago, Mr. Gask,” she said. “I should never have let you leave. I should have put an end to you then and there.”

His mouth twisted. “You overestimate yourself, Miss Freemark. You are not as strong as you think.”

She smiled anew. “I might say the same for you, Mr. Gask. So now that we know where we stand on matters, why don’t we just say good-bye and go our separate ways?”

He considered her silently for a moment, his eyes shifting to Ross and the others, then back again. “Perhaps you should take a closer look at yourself, Miss Freemark, before you expend all of your energy judging others. You are not an ordinary, commonplace member of the human race with which you are so quick to identify. You are an aberration, a freak. You have demon blood in your body and demon lust in your soul. You come from a family that has dabbled more than once in demon magic. You think you are better than us, and that your service to the Word and the human cause will save you. It will not. It will do exactly the opposite. It will destroy you.”

He lifted the leather-bound book in front of him. “Your life is a charade. All that you have accomplished is a direct result of your demon lineage. Most of it you have repudiated over the course of time, until now you have nothing. I know your history, Miss Freemark. I made it a point to find out. Your family is dead, your husband left you, and your career is in tatters. Your life is empty and useless. Perhaps you think that by allying yourself with Mr. Ross, you will find the purpose and direction you lack. You will not. Instead, you will continue to discover unpleasant truths about yourself, and in the end your reward for doing so will be a pointless death.”

His words were cutting and painful, and there was enough truth in them that she was not immune to their intended effect. But they were the same words she had spoken to herself more than once in the darker moments of her life, when acceptance of harsh truths was all that would save her, and she could hear them again now without flinching. Findo Gask would break down her resolve with fear and doubt, but only if she let him do so.

He smiled without warmth. “Better think on it, Miss Free-mark. Should it come to a test of magics between you and me, you are simply not strong enough to survive.”

“Don’t bet against me, Mr. Gask,” she replied quietly. “It may be that this is a battle you will win, that the magic you wield is more powerful than my own. But you will have to find out the hard way. John Ross and I are agreed. We will not hand over the gypsy morph—not because you say we must or because you threaten us or even if you hurt us. We won’t cede you that kind of power over our lives.”

Findo Gask did not reply. He simply stood there, as black as ink and carved from stone. The wind gusted suddenly, whipping loose snow across the space that separated them. The demon stood revealed for an instant longer before the blowing snow screened him away.

When the wind died again and the loose snow settled, he was gone.

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Categories: Terry Brooks