Blish, James – Bridge

I… I don’t think it’s a good idea to infect your fellow work-ers with your own pessimism. It leads to sloppy work. I know that regardless of your own feelings you won’t countenance sloppy work, but one foreman can do only so much. And you’re making extra work for yourselfnot for me, but for yourselfby being openly gloomy about the Bridge.

“You’re the best man on the Bridge, Bob, for all your grous-ing about the job, and your assorted misgivings. I’d hate to see you replaced.”

“A threat, Charity?” Helmuth said softly.

‘Wo. I wouldn’t replace you unless you actually went nuts, and I firmly believe that your fears in that respect are groundless. It’s a commonplace that only sane men suspect their own sanity, isn’t it?”

“It’s a common misconception. Most psychopathic obsessions begin with a mild worry.”

Dillon made as if to brush that subject away. “Anyhow, I’m not threatening; I’d fight to keep you here. But my say-so only covers Jupiter V; there are people higher up on Ganymede, and people higher yet back in Washingtonand in this inspecting commission.

“Why don’t you try to look on the bright side for a change? Obviously the Bridge isn’t ever going to inspire you.

But you might at least try thinking about all those dollars piling up in your account every hour you’re on this job, and about the bridges and ships and who knows what-all that you’ll be building, at any fee you ask, when you get back down to Earth. All under the magic words, ‘One of the men who built the Bridge on Jupiter!’ “

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Categories: Blish, James