Blish, James – Bridge

Charity was bright red with embarrassment and enthusi-asm. Helmuth smiled.

“I’ll try to bear it in mind, Charity,” he said. “When is this gaggle of senators due to arrive?”

“They’re on Ganymede now, taking a breather. They came directly from Washington without any routing. I suppose they’ll make a stop at Callisto before they come here. They’ve something new on their ship, I’m told, that lets them flit about more freely than the usual uphill transport can.”

An icy lizard suddenly was nesting in Helmuth’s stomach, coiling and coiling but never settling itself. The room blurred.

The persistent nightmare was suddenly almost upon him already.

“Something… new?” he echoed, his voice as flat and non-committal as he could make it. “Do you know what it is?”

“Well, yes. But I think I’d better keep quiet about it until”

“Charity, nobody on this deserted rock-heap could possibly be a Soviet spy. The whole habit of ‘security’ is idiotic out here. Tell me now and save me the trouble of dealing with senators; or tell me at least that you know I know. They have antigravityl Isn’t that it?”

One word from DiUon, and the nightmare would be real.

“Yes,” Dillon said. “How did you know? Of course, it couldn’t be a complete gravity screen by any means. But it seems to be a good long step towards it. We’ve waited a long time to see that dream come true But you’re the last man in the world to take pride in the achievement, so there’s no sense exulting about it to you. I’ll let you know when I get a definite arrival date. In the meantime, will you think about what I said before?”

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Categories: Blish, James