Bullet – Stephen King

Well that’s good, said the young man in the turned- around cap. A brother getting married, man, that’s good. What’s your name?

I wasn’t just afraid, I was terrified. Everything was wrong, everything, and I didn’t know why or how it could possibly have happened so fast. I did know one thing, however: I wanted the driver of the Mustang to know my name no more than I wanted him to know my business in Lewiston. Not that I’d be getting to Lewiston. I was suddenly sure that I would never see Lewiston again. It was like knowing the car was going to stop. And there was the smell, I knew something about that, as well. It wasn’t the air freshener; it was something beneath the air freshener.

Hector, I said, giving him my roommate’s name. Hector Passmore, that’s me. It came out of my dry mouth smooth and calm, and that was good. Something inside me insisted that I must not let the driver of the Mustang know that I sensed something wrong. It was my only chance.

He turned toward me a little, and I could read his button: i rode the bullet at thrill village, laconia.

I knew the place; had been there, although not for a long time.

I could also see a heavy black line which circled his throat just as the barbwire tattoo circled his upper arm, only the line around the driver’s throat wasn’t a tattoo. Dozens of black marks crossed it vertically. They were the stitches put in by whoever had put his head back on his body.

Nice to meet you, Hector, he said. I’m George Staub.

My hand seemed to float out like a hand in a dream. I wish that it had been a dream, but it wasn’t; it had all the sharp edges of reality. The smell on top was pine. The smell underneath was some chemical, probably formaldehyde. I was riding with a dead man.

The Mustang rushed along Ridge Road at sixty miles an hour, chasing its high beams under the light of a polished button moon. To either side, the trees crowding the road danced and writhed in the wind. George Staub smiled at me with his empty eyes, then let go of my hand and returned his attention to the road. In high school I’d read Dracula, and now a line from it recurred, clanging in my head like a cracked bell: The dead drive fast.

Can’t let him know I know. This also clanged in my

head. It wasn’t much, but it was all I had. Can’t let him know, can’t let him, can’t. I wondered where the old man was now. Safe at his brother’s? Or had the old man been in on it all along? Was he maybe right behind us, driving along in his old Dodge, hunched over the wheel and snapping at his truss? Was he dead, too? Probably not. The dead drive fast, according to Bram Stoker, but the old man had never gone a tick over forty- five. I felt demented laughter bubbling in the back of my throat and held it down. If I laughed he’d know. And he mustn’t know, because that was my only hope.

There’s nothing like a wedding, he said. Yeah, I said, everyone should do it at least twice.

My hands had settled on each other and were squeezing. I could feel the nails digging the backs of them just above the knuckles, but the sensation was distant, news from another country. I couldn’t let him know, that was the thing. The woods were all around us, the only light was the heartless bone- glow of the moon, and I couldn’t let him know that I knew he was dead. Because he wasn’t a ghost, nothing so harmless. You might see a ghost, but what sort of thing stopped to give you a ride? What kind of creature was that? Zombie? Ghoul? Vampire? None of the above?

George Staub laughed. Do it twice! Yeah, man, that’s my whole family!

Mine, too, I said. My voice sounded calm, just the voice of a hitchhiker passing the time of day night, in this case making agreeable conversation as some small payment for his ride. There’s really nothing like a funeral.

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Categories: Stephen King