Carolyn Keene. Trial By Fire

Nancy frowned. “I thought you said it was empty.”

“No, I said they closed it off,” Mr. Tyler corrected her. “Before I left shipments of sealed boxes started coming in. Brownley stashed them downstairs. And he signed for the delivery of a brand-new air compressor. The garage had needed one for months. But where’d it go? Down to the lower level, and that was the last I saw of it.”

“Interesting,” Nancy said.

“I just hope they don’t discover that Jim Dayton is my grandson. They’re crooks and they’re hurting people, Ms. Granger. I was trying to stop them, that’s all.”

“I know you were,” answered Ann, smiling at him. “And we’re grateful for your help. May we call you again if we have any more questions?”

“Sure thing.”

“He’s a nice man,” Ann said as they went back to the parking lot. “He had no idea what he was getting into.”

Nancy wondered what she had gotten into and what was on the lower level of that garage that she’d have to investigate.

“Nancy Nickerson” made even more money her second night on the job because she turned in her cab at twelve. To her surprise, another man was sitting in for Brownley. “He had some business,” the stranger told her.

Perfect, Nancy thought. She went back to her locker to get her other jacket before deciding what to do next. When she got there, she ran into Jim Dayton.

“Hi, remember me?” Nancy said.

“How could I forget?” he said, obviously happy to see her. “Just getting off?”

“Yes, how about you?”

“Yep. I worked late tonight, and boy, am I beat,” he said. “Don’t have to keep it up for much longer, though. Only two more weeks.”

“Well, I hope you make it,” Nancy said as she closed her locker door. And she meant it—in more ways than one. She wondered what would happen to him if the Gold Star management discovered that he was Tom Tyler’s grandson.

“Good night now,” she said.

“So long,” he said.

Nancy returned to her car to wait until she was sure the cabs on the midnight shift had all left.

She sat in the car for forty-five minutes. Then, rather than walk all the way around the block to Gold Star, she cut through the dark alley separating it from the car wash.

Back on the street she saw that the rollup door was down. The office was empty, and the inside parking area appeared to be dimly lit. The midnight shift had hit the streets.

As Nancy sneaked into the building, she heard voices in the back of the parking area. Brownley’s was one of them. The other brought goose pimples: Reston! She’d never forget his voice. Scurrying between two parked cabs, Nancy got as close to the two men as she could and peeked over the cars’ hoods. She could also see someone hiding in the shadows.

It was Jim Dayton!

Reston was opening the rear door of a cab whose engine was running. “A beautiful sight, isn’t it?” he said, pointing to something in the back. Nancy tried, but she couldn’t see inside the cab.

Brownley grinned. “I’m just glad you didn’t have any trouble. From here on, we’re in clover. Which reminds me, Chicago’s been holding a big shipment for us, waiting for us to clear up this mess. Okay if I tell them to send it?”

“Might as well. After Granger talks—and I promise, she will—our troubles will be over.”

Nancy smiled grimly. If they thought Ann would tell who her source was, they were in for a surprise.

“We can get back on schedule,” Reston was saying. “Open the door. The sooner I get downstairs, the better.”

Brownley removed a ring of keys from his belt as Reston got back into the cab. “What about the Drew kid?” the dispatcher asked.

“What about her? We don’t need to worry about her. She hasn’t found out anything yet, and she never will. We’re too smart for her.”

Nancy wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or insulted.

“Call me when you’re ready to bring the cab up again,” Brownley said. “Oh, Mac may show up while you’re down there, but he always comes the back way.”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn