Carolyn Keene. Trial By Fire

Carson Drew was coming in as she was leaving, his briefcase stuffed to overflowing. “Some reporters followed me to the office,” he explained. “They were driving my secretary crazy. If my being there is going to cause chaos, I decided to work at home.”

“Any word on the pretrial hearing yet?”

“Not yet. Where are you off to?”

“Ann’s heard from her source. She asked me to meet him.” She shoved her wallet into her pocket. “He has another tip, and you never know—maybe he knows something about what happened to you. Have you talked to Uncle Jon?”

Her father shook his head. “He’s not in, or not taking my calls. I’m stumped, Nancy. I thought I knew him. Friend for twenty years, card partner once a week for most of that time—it doesn’t make sense.”

“I’m sure it’s just a big mixup,” Nancy said, although she no longer thought so.

Her father took her hand and stared into her eyes. “Nancy, before you go, you have to promise me you’ll be very careful. After what happened last night, we know these people are playing rough and for keeps.”

Nancy nodded. “They must be desperate. I have to find out what they’re so desperate about. But don’t worry. I’ll watch out for myself.”

“Promise?” Her father peered at her intently.

“Scout’s honor. See you later.” She kissed his cheek and left, hoping she wasn’t wasting valuable time on this errand for Ann. If the man’s information turned out to be of no use to her in helping to clear her father, her next move would be toward the far side of town. She’d camp on the doorstep of Judge Jonathan Renk if she had to, but she would not leave until she saw him. He held her father’s future in his hands.

The Grand was an old movie house living out its last days by showing film classics at discount rates to college students and senior citizens. Nancy paid for her ticket and went in. The movie, Sons of the Desert, starring Laurel and Hardy, had just begun.

Nancy slipped into the aisle seat on the left in the next-to-last row. Then she looked around. There were no more than a dozen people in there, most of them down in front close to the screen. No one moved, and no one checked to see if she had arrived. She hoped Ann’s contact wouldn’t be long.

Nancy loved Laurel and Hardy, and before long she was caught up in the film. Every now and then she glanced around, but no one approached her. No one seemed the least bit interested in her.

One-thirty, and Ann’s source still hadn’t arrived. He isn’t coming, Nancy thought. She had mixed feelings. She was disappointed, both for Ann and herself, but she was also a little relieved. It was hard not to be nervous at the thought of what this meeting might have been like.

Nancy shifted in her seat, relaxed, and gave the two funnymen her undivided attention. The movie was almost over, and she wanted to enjoy the rest of it. So the hand that clamped over her mouth came as a complete surprise. And so did the icy barrel of the gun against the back of her neck.

“Well, well. Who do we have here?” a voice whispered. “You’re Drew’s kid, aren’t you? I saw you on the TV news this morning. You aren’t who I was expecting—but you’ll do. In fact, you’ll do just fine.”

Chapter Four

Nancy tried to slip from the man’s grasp—and instantly regretted it. He tightened his grip painfully.

“Make the wrong move, and the last thing you’ll see will be one fat guy and one skinny guy hiding from their wives. Understand?”

Nancy nodded, forcing herself to stay calm. She had to keep cool and carefully watch for a time to escape. Then she realized she wouldn’t be able to watch anything. The man was slipping a blindfold over her eyes. Then he slapped a strip of adhesive tape across her mouth. Pushing her forward in her seat, he tied her hands behind her back.

“Okay, now, little lady, we’re leaving,” he hissed. “Let’s go.”

Nancy wondered desperately whether any of the people in the front rows had noticed what was going on, but it seemed that she and her captor weren’t attracting any attention at all.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn