Chalker, Jack L. – Soul Rider 01 – Spirits of Flux and Anchor

As she had told Mervyn, she had to.

She walked in the barn-like open doors of the smithy and saw her father there, dunking a horse-Page 184

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shoe in water, as two other smiths and three apprentices worked elsewhere. She approached her father, the tension rising within her. He looked up, frowned, stared a moment, then put down his work and came to her. “Yes, Sister? What can I do for you?”

She repressed the urge to fling her arms around him and hug and kiss him as she so desperately wanted to do. Instead she said, “You are the father of the girl called Cass who was taken in the Paring Rite?”

He suddenly went a bit tense and white. “Yes.

What’s this all about?”

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“I have news of her.”

He looked suddenly very concerned and she could see the emotions within him rising, despite his efforts to contain them. “Speak,” he said hoarsely.

“I have just come through the Flux from Anchor Bakha-During that journey I met many from this Anchor. Most are suffering as expected, but your Cass is doing well.”

He looked very interested and slightly relieved, but he wanted to know more.

“I cannot tell you of the Flux, except that it is very strange,” she continued, struggling with the words. “However, there is some opportunity there for those with special talents. Your Cass and three others from this riding have broken their bonds and now work as paid employees for a stringer, mostly tending to animals. They were healthy and seemed happy, but were anxious that I carry news back to their families.”

She could hardly believe it. Were those truly tears in her father’s eyes? Never, ever, had she known her father to cry, not under any conditions, and she was so touched by it that she had to fight back tears herself.

“Cass also wanted me to inform others that the ones called Suzl, Dar, and Nadya are also safe, well, and have jobs and careers-Alas, for the others—there is the purging. Will you see, though, that their families also get word?”

Her father broke down at that point, dropped to his knees and took and firmly clasped her hand. It was at once both touching and embarrassing, but she knew she had done the right thing. She also knew that she’d better get out of there before she broke down completely herself.

“I must go,” she managed, voice breaking, “but I am glad I could bring you some joy. Cass said to t-tell you s-she loved you, and missed you, but that Page 185

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she was probably happier now than she would have been back here.”

He didn’t want to let go of her, but she managed to break free and walked out, leaving him sobbing in his shop. She walked briskly back down the road, the light wind stinging the copious tears that now flowed unchecked and unstoppable.

It was dark and she was once again in the city before she had completely cried it out.

She went immediately to the hotel, tying up her mule, and went inside. Suzl was sitting there smoking one of her little cigars and looking through the paper, while Mervyn was checking the hotel directory. They saw her, and came over to her.

Suzl saw at once what sort of experience it had been for her. Her eyes were puffy and red.

“How’d it go?” she asked gently.

“It went fine. The job got done with nobody the wiser, but I’m afraid it was pretty hard on me.”

“Poor kid. It must have been tough,”

She nodded. “Real tough, but worth it. I’ll never regret it no matter what happens from here on in.”

Mervyn came up to her and whispered, “Let’s step outside for a moment, Sister.” They followed him out into the darkened street. “All right,” he went on when he was sure they were not being overheard, “we’re in too late to do anything tonight.

Sister, you will have to stay at the Temple, of course. Just relax, act the part, and get a good night’s sleep. In the morning, go out and wait for us in the Temple Square.” He paused for a moment.

“I’m afraid you’re going to have to go through their whole rigamarole.”

She shrugged. “I think my lessons will hold up.

Don’t worry about me—I’ve been more places in that Temple than anybody not working there, and if your spell holds they’re not going to be able to 264 Jack L. Chalker

make much use of hypnotic drugs to get any information.”

“It’ll hold,” he assured her. “Go. We have a busy, and risky, day tomorrow.”

She nodded, and led her mule down streets she knew so well towards the great, lighted Temple spires.

“Any problems?” Mervyn asked her in the crisp, Page 186

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clean morning air when they met in Temple Square.

“None that I know of,” she told him- “I had to do some explaining, and a lot of praying and chanting, but that’s about it. It’s not bad when you’ve got rank. Novices to wait on you hand^and foot, private rooms with all the amenities, soft feather beds. They know your covers, though—I had to tell them that.”

He nodded. “Don’t worry about it. We won’t need them long. Come.”

Together all three of them went up the Temple steps to those forbidding bronze doors, opened them, and stepped inside. Cass saw that Suzl was playing the memory game from her glances. In there is the chapel, down there is the gym where they marched us, over there are the Temple boarding rooms for young girls in town, over there is the library stairs. .. . She had done much the same the night before.

Mervyn seemed to know his way around pretty well. “They’re all built pretty much the same,” he told them. Standardization. They went down the library stairway but did not make the turn to go down the next flight to the library itself. Instead they stopped, and Mervyn knocked on an unmarked door opening onto the landing. It opened to reveal a puzzled warden. “Yes?” she asked.

“I am here to deliver a message to the Sister General. Can you take one to her from me?”

The warden looked hesitant. “I can’t just disturb SOUL RIDER: SPIRITS OF FLUX AND ANCHOR 265

her for any old thing. You can take it up with the proper channels.”

“I have no time to be put off by bureaucrats whose job it is to put me off,” he responded curtly.

“If you get this message to her, she will see me. If you do not, I will raise something of a stink that will be as unpleasant for you as for me. At the end of that time I will probably be hauled off to jail, but the Sister General will get my message in the report and then we will change places, or worse.”

The warden did not seem moved by this, and made as if to close the door. Mervyn stuck his foot in it, then pushed the warden backwards with a shove. Clearly that woman’s body he’d tailor-made for himself had a lot of nasty surprises, for the larger, tougher-looking warden flew back as if struck by a sledgehammer. Aghast, Suzl and Cass followed him into the wardens’ room.

Three other wardens were in there and came on the run when they saw the problem. Mervyn reached behind to his long cape and brought out an automatic rifle. They stopped, unable to believe Page 187

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that anyone would commit such sacrilege.

“Sati, shut that door. You on the floor—get up and get over with your sisters. Now! And all of you just stand there and stay away from any nice little buttons or consoles. I am a creature of Flux and I will not hesitate to shoot. If I do, the spray this thing makes in stopping one of you will kill all four of you.”

Suzl reached under her shirt in the back and pulled out a small automatic pistol, reinforcing Mervyn and freeing him to move. “You four—come into the outer room here with us. Don’t touch anything or try anything funny.”

They obeyed, hands high, but they glared at her.

“You’ll fry in Hell for a thousand lives for this,”

one hissed.

“I already been there, honey, and it don’t scare Jack L. Chalker


me a bit,” she snapped back. “Ca—Kasdi, you watch ‘em and if you see one of ‘em pull anything funny, you yell and they’re gone.”

“You’ll never get out of here alive,” one of the wardens said smugly. “You know that, don’t you?”

“If I don’t, neither will you,” came the equally tough reply. Suzl, Cass noted, was loving every minute of this, and there was genuine hatred and contempt in her expression and manner. This was no act. She ached for revenge.

Mervyn studied the control panel for a moment, checked out its switches and relays, then found the master manual and thumbed quickly through it.

He found what he was looking for immediately, and tapped four numbers on the intercom pad-There was a buzzing sound, then an unfamiliar voice answered. “Sister General. What is the problem?”

“There is an urgent message here for the Sister General’s ears alone,” he said into the speaker. “It is urgent. Put her on at once.”

There was a sigh at the other end, and the connection was muted for a moment. Finally a far more familiar voice said, “This is Sister General Diastephanos.

What is the nature of this emergency?”

Mervyn looked over at Cass, who nodded. That was her, all right.

“The Seven Who Come Before have gathere’d at the gates of Anchor to release the spawn of Hell,”

he said carefully. “The Nine Who Guard call upon the holy church for aid.”

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There was a long pause, and then the Sister General asked, “Who is this?”

“Pericles,” he responded.

Again there was silence. Finally she asked, “Are my wardens all right? I assume it wasn’t easy to get in to use the intercom.”

“They are mad and angry and vengeful,” he toid SOUL RIDER: SPIRITS OF FLUX AND ANCHOR 267

her truthfully, “but aside from a slight bruise on one of them they are in fine shape.”

“Who’s watch officer?”

He looked over at the four. One of them said, sourly, “Daran.”

“Put her on.”

Mervyn gestured with the gun and the chief warden came over to the intercom. “She’s here,” he told her.

“Daran, this would not have been necessary if you had not refused to carry the message. These people are not criminals, nor are they committing sacrilege. How many are there?”

“Three, Your Worship,” the warden said glumly.

“Two have guns, and the third’s pretending to be a priestess.”

“She may very well be one,” the Sister General snapped back. “Now, listen carefully. You are to escort these three to my office without delay of any kind. Understand? I want no trouble and no revenge. If there is any trouble or any action of any kind taken against them you will all be exiled to Flux immediately. I mean that.”

“But Your Worship—”

“No buts! Deliver them immediately, healthy, and with no problems and I will forgive all. Do anything else—anything—and you will all curse the day of your birth and the parents who bore you. That is all.”

The watch officer sighed. Mervyn smiled at her and handed her his rifle. She seemed startled, then undecided, suppressing an urge to fire anyway.

Instead they walked into the other room, where Suzl handed over her pistol as well. There ensued a great debate among the four in which the watch officer had to exercise abnormal control just to keep them from tearing the three limb from limb or at least working them over with rubber hoses.

Once the officer had made her decision, though, Page 189

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she stuck to it. When the warden who had been shoved back tried to attack Mervyn anyway, the watch officer struck her in the mouth with the rifle butt. She looked mad, but finally calmed down, as blood from a small cut trickled from the side of her mouth.

“Now, then,” sighed the watch officer, “let’s all go see Her Holiness, shall we?”

Leaving the guns in the security office and then locking up, they all walked back upstairs, into the chapel, then back into the sacristy. Cass had a feeling of having been here before, but now she was with someone who knew the way.

Ultimately they reached the first of three-security doors. Obviously the Sister General’s own area had been reinforced since Cass had blundered in.

Each of the doors could be opened only from the inside, by someone who first could look at whoever was out there and take action if necessary.

The wardens generally expected their way to be barred at this point, and action taken, and seemed extremely surprised when each door opened for them with no hesitation.

Finally they reached the office of the Sister General. It looked much the same as Cass remembered it, although she’d had a very different view the last time. Sister Daji was nowhere in sight, but to the left of the Sister General’s huge desk the falcon perch still stood, and why not? On it was a falcon.

The Sister General looked at the mob, then said, “That will be all, wardens. Retire to your posts and await my instructions.” They bowed, bewildered, and exited.

She looked at the three of them in turn, settling on Mervyn. “I don’t have to guess which one of you is Pericles.”

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, Des?” he responded lightly.


The tone and question startled both Cass and Suzl. It was obvious now that, somehow, these two actually knew each other!

She came over and hugged the wizard. “You wore that guise just for me, didn’t you?”

He laughed. “I figured if nothing else you’d get a photo from the police with a report on my doings.”

She laughed. “You always were the one for di-Page 190

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rect actions. But, enough of this^ for now. I’m going to have problems with my security staff for a long time over you three. What is this really all about?”

Mervyn looked around. “Is it just us in here?”

“Yes. I cleared the rest out. Please, all of you, have a seat and we’ll talk.”

“Not everybody was cleared,” Mervyn remarked casually. “I see we have a spy over there.”

She laughed. “Oh, Demon. Yes, my secretary went roaming in the marketplace while I was away on business and bought her as a surprise for me-Unfortunately, she seems to like the secretary far more than me. She’s safe, though.”

Mervyn nodded, and Cass began to wonder if she in fact had dreamed the whole thing. Was it instead some odd story planted in her mind by Haldayne? Was she, in fact, loosed with false information in her mind to contuse and disrupt the Nine? She felt suddenly very confused.

“Haldayne has taken Persellus and means to move on the gate,” the wizard said simply. “We are mounting a massive force to retake it, supported by myself and two others of the Nine.” Quickly, and in a businesslike fashion, he outlined the entire plot, leaving Cass out of it completely, though, as well as Daji and the part Anchor Logh played in it. She listened attentively, her face grim. When he had finished she asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“How large is your troop force?”

She thought a minute. “I don’t have the exact 270 Jack L. Chalker

figures, but not counting the new recruits in training after Census, about a thousand,”

“Let’s count the recruits.”

“Then, perhaps a hundred more plus training instructors. But we need a minimum of three hundred to man and guard the borders.”

He nodded. “That’s fine. Give me five hundred under your best officers and noncoms. Get them in Flux and I’ll see they don’t crack. Once we break Haldayne’s shield we’ll need warm bodies to overrun and root out what’s left of Persellus. He’s very strong and has had time to prepare.”

“Do you think you’ll catch him this time?” she asked, apparently getting caught up in the adventure of it.

“We’re going to try-That’s all we can do, no more. There is nothing I would like more, as you well know. Half a dozen times I’ve had him in my Page 191

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nets and he’s managed to slip away. But, with your gracious help, we’ll beat him this time, at least.”

“You shall have it and welcome,” she responded.

“And what will you do with it—after?”

He shrugged. “Sister Kasdi has a great deal of talent and is now training under me. A churchcontrolled Fluxland in such a strategic position would consolidate quite a bit and secure the gate for some time.”

She thought about it, and liked the idea. “A churchcontrolled Fluxland. It was the dream of the Founding Mothers, but somehow it’s never come to pass. It would create a church-held domain over a hundred and fifty kilometers southwest.” She turned to Cass. “You must do it! You have the best teacher in the world for it. Why, it could be the old dream—the training and university ground for the Church, as Globbus is for wizards.”

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