Chanur’s Homecoming by CJ Cherryh

“Damn!” he cried, jerking back; she held on.

“Listen to me. If the hakkikt fails, where are we? That bastard Akkhtimakt-” She tensed the thumb-claw again. J-i-k. In the blink-code. “Do you hear me? Do you hear?”

He no longer pulled back. His hand twitched. “I hear,” he said in a hoarse, distracted voice. “But-”

“You’ll take my orders. Hear?” And: h-u-m-a-n-t-r-e-a-c-h-e-r-y she spelled into his flesh. The sweat ran in rivulets past his eyes, in the thin areas of his facial hair. “Jik. Tell him everything.”

A long moment he hesitated. She felt the tremor of muscles in his arm. The fear-smell grew stronger. The look on his face was a thing to haunt the sleep: he poured all his questions into it, and there was nothing she knew how to send back-let one kif note that hidden move of her thumb on the underside of his hand and they were both in it. But:

T-r-u-s-t, she signaled him. D-o.

He broke away from her eyes. He leaned himself on the other side of the chair, facing Sikkukkut. “Ana say-humans come Meetpoint. Truth. They go fight Akkhtimakt. Gather hani, make fight ‘gainst kif. Then got-” His voice broke. “Got-hani, stsho, human, mahendo’sat, all fight kif.”

“And it’s your task,” Sikkukkut said quietly, “to see that I reach Meetpoint to engage my rival Akkhtimakt-all while being attacked by all the others. Is that what your partner told you to do?”

Prolonged silence.

“Answer,” Sikkukkut said.

“He not tell me what he do. He say-say I got go Meetpoint, wait orders.”

“To turn on me at the opportune moment. Kkkkt. And now what will you do?”

“I think he damn fool, hakkikt.” Again Jik’s voice cracked. “I think I first time got better idea, help you take out Akkhtimakt.”

“And then to turn on me.”

“Not. Not. I think Ana got wrong. I damn scared, hakkikt, he got number one bad mistake. I don’t think he do what he do, damn, I come on dock, try get Pyanfar out lousy mess, I don’t know my damn partner going to blow the damn dock, I don’t know he going outsystem, I don’t know he got deal with Ehrran and the damn stsho-What happen? I get shoot at, I get caught, I get lousy drug and beat up, you think I be damn fool, hakkikt, come outside if I know what he do? Hell, no. Maybe Ana same time got smart idea, but he don’t know I be out there, I don’t know he be going to leave the dock- lousy mess. Ehrran be the one break dock, she be the one kill you people; I don’t think he know what she do.”

“They met. They talked. We know this.”

Jik’s head dropped, his shoulders slumped. He looked up again, leaning on his arms. “I think they talk stsho deal. I think Ana not know, not know what she do-He just got move fast. He plan go, yes. Not then. No so fast. He think got time. Ehrran make him move. Maybe he think I be dead, I don’t know; maybe he think we all be on that dock, maybe he think The Pride crew be gone, maybe think ever’thing be gone to hell-I don’t know, hakkikt. I don’t know.”

“You contradict yourself.”

“Not lie. Don’t know. I don’t know.”

“And the methane-folk? What dealings with them?”

Jik’s head dropped again onto his arms. For a moment he was utterly still, and a kif moved closer at his side. Pyanfar sat quietly, forcing a calm over her nerves from the outside in, till it got to the depth of her mind.

We’re talking about the whole gods-be Compact going up in smoke.

We can take him, at any time, we can take this kif bastard, if we’re willing to die-and we’re both dead now, Jik and I.

It doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter that he’s in pain, it’s nothing, nothing in the balance, nothing that really matters. I’m sorry, Jik; I can’t care, can’t afford to care, can’t stink of fear, I daren’t. Not if we’ve got a chance. And I’ll take it wide and high, Jik, if I have to. You’re a professional, you know what I’m doing, you know I can’t do anything else, drug-drunk as you are. We can settle it later.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J