Chanur’s Homecoming by CJ Cherryh

“We hear you,” she said over general com. “You got time, Skkukuk.”

And thought about the web of jump-corridors around Meetpoint and where they led.

Gods know what’s already been launched at us. “Mahendo’sat aren’t going to sit still for it,” she said. “It’s not their style.”

“If they push back,” Haral said, “it’s going to shove that bastard right into hani space. We figure there’s a push coming here. Cap’n, Tully says human ships can drop out of hype in deep space. Do a turn. Says he thinks the mahendo’sat can do it too.”

She shot Haral a look. It was a knnn maneuver, that stop-and-turn. Or tc’a. “Friends turning up in odd places.”

“From here, cap’n, it’s a real pocket out Kura-way.”

It was: hani space was an appendix of reachable space, right on the mahendo’sat underbelly, near the mahen homestar. But the accesses in that direction were few and defensible.

“Yeah,” she said, thinking of that geometry, which thought suddenly shaped itself into coherent form, in full light. “Yeah. It might work. If they can do that kind of thing. But that’d mean those human ships aren’t freighters in any sense of the word- wouldn’t it? What’s a ship with holds need with that kind of rig, huh?”

“Sure seems like not. And a strike coming in here rams it right down hani throats. Again.”

“It does that, too. If they can do that.” Another and worse thought. “If mahendo’sat can pull this-wouldn’t be the first time they had some new rig they didn’t tell us about. Wouldn’t be the first time the kif turned up with it too. Before we did. Praise to the mahendo’sat. More gods-be careful of what their allies learn than what gets to their enemies.”

Gods, don’t let Ehrran be a fool.

Then, down the boards: “Priority,” Geran said. “Priority, we got a shift going on, we got a vector change on some of Sikkukkut’s lot. That’s Noikkhru and Shuffikkt-”

It came up on the monitor, part of the image changing color again as kifish ships finished their braking and began to slew off on new headings.

Headings at angles to Sikkukkut’s.

Chapter Six

Color-shifts multiplied on the scan.

“Gods,” Pyanfar muttered, and put in the general take-hold. Alarm rang up and down the corridors. In case. “Message to our partners: hold steady, keep course; Khym, advisement to Chur: Take precautions, we got kif moving gods know where. Tirun, feed scan down to Jik’s monitor; tell him we’re all right, we’re still on course, we just got something going here.”

Acknowledgments came back.

“Captain,” Haral said, “Hilfy’s got this idea-”

“Tahar acknowledges,” Hilfy said. “They’re on our lead. Aye-we got that, Aja Jin. Thanks-”

“-Akkhtimakt’s got bad troubles,” Haral said. “I think we got ’em too.”

She waited. Waited till she heard Tirun report all personnel accounted for; Tirun had made it onto the bridge. A last safety snicked into place.

They were secure for running. If they had to.

On the screens the flares continued as the doppler recept sorted it out and got information trued again.

And one and another of Sikkukkut’s ships flaring green and going into maneuvers.

Not all on the same vector. They were headed out like thistledown scattering from a pod. Everywhere.

In every direction open to them, mahen space and hani and stsho and tc’a.

“They go,” Jik exclaimed over the open com. And something else profane in mahensi. He was monitoring the situation, down there in his sealed cabin. “Damn, they go, they go-”

To every star within reach. To strafe every station and every system where there might be a hostile presence.

“Priority, priority,” Hilfy said, overriding something Geran was saying: ”Harukk-com says: Pride of Chanur, proceed on course.”

“They go hit ever’ damn target in Compact,” Jik cried. There was the sound of explosion. Or of a mahen fist hitting something. “Damn! Let me out!”

“She was right,” Haral muttered. “Gods-be right. They’re going to do it anyhow and we got kif every which way. Captain, they’re going to push Akkhtimakt right down that open corridor, to Anuurn, captain, by the gods they are.”

“We got problems,” Pyanfar muttered.

While a stream of mahen profanity warred with Chur’s insistent question on the com.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J