Chanur’s Legacy by C.J. Cherryh

She had the most sinking feeling that this was the stsho Haisi had claimed was still available and knowledgeable, this was the source of knowledge still available to them, and gtst had just lost touch with gtst own mind—was, in effect, dying to the stsho gtst had been, and becoming another entity, if gtst could pull the bits and pieces of a personality together.

But gtst might not remember once gtst had made that transition. Gtst—gtstisi. Indeterminate, desperately trying to sort out its reality, and locked, within that storage compartment, in an environment that could lend it no cues.

She shoved herself away from the wall, opened Tlisi-tlas-tin’s door without gtst permission and met shocked, offended eyes. “A mahe named Tahaisimandi Ana-kehnandian has been following us since Meetpoint. He said that some of Atli-lyen-tlas’ staff remained …”

Gtsthonor … gtst excellency, as gtst lately styled gtstself… flinched. “This is extremely distasteful.”

“Because that unformed person is Atli-lyen-tlas?’’

“No! A thousand, thousand nos. This is a person beneath our tasteful notice. We would not undertake a mission to such an individual. Do not distress us further. This is a juvenile. Atli-lyen-tlas has abandoned gtst post and fled in our face. The treachery, the abysmal treachery! I perform heinous insults upon this gift of gtst shapeless servant! It will not dissuade me!”

“You mean gtstisi—“

“Is surely a servile leaving of gtst excellency. Can you look at the magnificence of my surroundings and affront me with that disheveled and untidy person? Gtstisi may serve here. The lack of servants offends my dignity, which surely your honor knows. I will accept this individual as resident in my quarters, but gtstisi must be clean and respectful!”

“I will inform gtstisi of your—ah, excellency’s offer.”

“My order!”

“Exactly.” She kept her expression sweet and her ears up, and bowed politely and went to the neighboring cabin to run gtst new excellency’s errand. “Gtst excellency wants you,” she said to the huddled figure inside. “But I suggest you make yourself presentable. There is a thoroughly tasteless place where you may find water and organize your baggage. Follow me.”

“Oh, oh,” was all gtstisi managed to say. “Despair and disaster.”

But gtstisi followed, through the litter of the abandoned baggage, while thumps and bangs and the action of the loader heralded the exit of cargo from the hold, and, one could hope, not the entry of kifish pirates off the unregulated docks.

She saw the nameless stsho to the washroom, let gtstisi gather up gtstisi trail of baggage that was strewn from Tlisi-tlas-tin’s door to the airlock, and meanwhile used the com at the intersection of the corridors to call the cargo lock.

“Tiar? Are you alive out there?”

“Things look quiet,”Tiar said. “They’re gone. “

“Are you armed?”

“Gun’s right here in the lock. We’re legal. “

Thank the gods for favors. She called the bridge:

“Fala. Where’s Meras?”

“Doing the filters.”

“Remind him keep off lower decks. We’ve got a problem.”

“What kind of problem, captain?”

“Twostsho. One’s Phasing. Ours, thank the gods, is still sane. There are kif on the docks, Tiar’s working outside, they know she brought the stsho here … where’s Tarras?”

“Right here, captain. You need some help down there?”

“Just be my eyes and ears on dockside. And investigate cargo for Kshshti. Don’t agree to anything yet.’‘


“I know, I know, best I can do. I’ll be on com. I’ve got a scoundrel to call.”

“Aye, captain.”

“So can you still deliver what you asked about?’’ Hilfy asked, and the scoundrel in question said, via station com:

“ You number one bastard thief! How you find?’‘

It was the only pleasant moment in a disgusting day. “Guess.”

“What you propose now, hani bastard?”

“Manners, manners, Haisi. We all lose a few.’’

“Repeat: what you propose?”

“We might have something to talk about. But now we have the information and you’re buying.”

There was a moment of silence on the com. Hilfy leaned her arms on the ops station counter, and flicked her ears to listen to the rings jangle.

“What you offer?”

“I don’t know. Let me think about it.”

“You head for trouble. I number one good friend. Who else you trust?”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J