Chanur’s Legacy by C.J. Cherryh

“As a hani, are you contemplating … iiii … violence of some sort?”

“By no means! But we are dealing with kif. Therefore it is a possibility, if instigated by them.”

“The Preciousness must be safe!”

“At all costs.”

“I am then willing to wait on your wisdom.”

Gods rot the son.

“I have one other … em … distressing piece of information. Your ambassador here is dead.”

“Wai! This is beyond all coincidence!”

“Is there possibly any advice your excellency could impart?”

“I will think on it.”

“Perhaps … your excellency could step into that lately vacated place, and advise station authorities from that authority that you disapprove the silence of this kifish vessel?”


“But within your excellency’s scope. Well within your abilities.”

Gtstmoon-pale eyes blinked, and blinked a second time, and gtst expression never changed.

Until gtst took a deep breath. “What would your honor do?”

“I admire the extraordinary graciousness of your excellency to consult a foreigner and understand your excellency is merely curious. I would deliver a message to the station of extreme displeasure, assuming the authority of the late ambassador, without leaving this ship, and demand that information on Atli-lyen-tlas be forthcoming at once.”

“This is a very sudden step.”

“It will startle them. But no more tasteful approach could gain notice from the authorities of Kshshti.”

“A bold venture.”

“You have been bold in defense of propriety before this.”

Tlisi-tlas-tin’s eyes were wide. Gtst nostrils flared in rapid breathing. “You instill in me a most curious excitement, distinguished captain.”

Emotional imbalance, the book said, is to be avoided at all costs.

“I have never before perceived elegance in such reciprocity of hostility. I feel a poetry in it. Dare I take such advice?”

“Modified of course by your excellency’s own wisdom.”

“No, no, these are foreigners! And I have confidence in your honor’s elegance. Convey such a message. I am most displeased with such behavior. I shall certainly relate their answer to the authorities at Llyene!”

“Your excellency most certainly has the right words. Shall I provide your excellency a communications link to station central?”

“Absolutely! I shall execrate their offspring and their dealings!”

For a stsho, Tlisi-tlas-tin was acquiring very hani sentiments.

For a hani, she was acquiring a very curious empathy for a flat-toothed, group-following stsho.

Gtstexcellency certainly rattled the appropriate doors.

“I am outraged to learn of the demise of gtst excellency and gtst staff! This is villainy! I demand recompense! I demand the immediate cooperation of station authorities! I demand serious inquiry into the kidnapping of gtst excellency of Urtur! I demand serious action against the harassment perpetrated against us by the mahen ship Ha’domaren! Failure to comply instantly will jeopardize trade with all stsho!”

Strange to say, the Voice of the Personage of Kshshti immediately surrendered the mike to the Personage himself.

And strange to say, the Voice was quickly thereafter on the com, in person, to expedite customs for the Legacy, and to declare that officials were on the way to make serious inquiry into the issues raised by gtst excellency.

“Mostefficacious!” Hilfy said, and restrained herself from slapping Tlisi-tlas-tin on the back, gtst was so pleased with gtstself … positively beaming as gtst leaned back from the ops room com console.

“Let them reflect upon the consequences I have named! Nothing is idle threat!”

The futures market, on the number two screen, showed an immediate five point rise in strategics and necessities. One could predict an active bidding for the Legacy’s cargo.

One could also predict a message from Ha’domaren …

“You damn lot ignorant hani! You don’t listen, this no place to act like fool! I want talk! Now!”

“I’ll bet you do,” she said, stroking her mane into order.

Old nightmares, old sounds, remembered smells … now and then traded places in rapid succession. Kshshti docks hadn’t changed that much. It was still a raffish, rough place of bare metal, cheap plastics, leaking pipes and condensation that made rainy weather in the high cold chill of the towering overhead, obscured in the multiple suns of the lamps—hydrogen and sodium spectra that gave everything multiple shadows in bilious colors. It might have been years ago. It might be The Pride at dock behind her instead of the Legacy, and it might be those dark and dangerous times.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J