Cherryh, CJ – Merchanters Luck

He held his eyes open, alternately trying to throw up and trying to cope with

the flow of data which comp itself had to sort and dump in a special mode

because it came so fast… still blind, ripping along at a velocity that would

fling even a smallish planet into his path before the computer could deal with

it Lucy headed for the other side of the nullpoint’s gravity well with manic

haste, but in that close pass they had gotten bent as light was bent, and the

calculations had to take that into account. He sat there ignoring the

scan-blindness into which they were rushing, trying to tell by the fluttering

passage of data whether the numbers converged, reality with his calculations,

trying to learn if there was error in position, and how that was going to

translate in jump.

And screaming in the back of his mind was the fact that he was playing tag with

a very large ship which could play games with distances which Lucy barely made,

in a time differential he could not calculate, and that on some quirk of malign

fate he could still run into them, if they just happened to coincide out here.

Dublin was either here now or out ahead of him, because his lead was going to

erode and change to lag somewhere in the transit. Ships missed each other

because space was wide and coincidences were statistically more than rare; but

not when two ships were playing leapfrog in the same nullpoints…

Second jump… statistically better this time… a vast point, three large masses in

juxtaposition, a kink in the between that hauled ships in and slung them along

in a complicated warping… Dump it now, dump the speed down…

‘Wake up, Sandy.”

And his own voice, prerecorded: “The referent now is Pell’s Star. Push the track

reset, Sandy. The track reset…”

He located the appropriate button, stared entranced at the screen… no rest

possible here. The velocity was still extreme. His tongue was swollen in his

mouth. He took another of the water bottles and drank, hurting. Food occurred to

him; the thought revolted him; he reached nonetheless and located the packet,

ate, because it was necessary to do.

He was crazy, that was what—he swallowed in mechanical, untasting gulps, unable

to remember what buttons he had pushed, trusting his own recorded voice giving

him the sequences as comp needed them, trusting to that star he saw bracketed

ahead of him, if that was not itself a trick of a mind which had come loose in

time. He recalled Dublin; if Allison Reilly knew remotely what he was doing this

moment she would curse him for the risk to her ship. He ought to dump more of

the velocity he had, right now, because he was scared. Tripoint was deadly

dangerous, with no margin for high-speed errors…

But Lucy was moving with the sureness of a woman with her mind made up, and he

was caught in that horrible impetus and the solid power of her, because a long

time ago she had hollowed him out and taken all there was of him. He moved in a

continual blur of slow motion, while the universe passed at much faster rates.

There was debris in this place. He was passing to zenith of the complicated

accretion disc… so he hoped. If he had miscalculated, he died, in an impact that

would make a minor, unnoticed light.

He dumped down: the recorded voice told him to. He obeyed. The data coming in

sorted itself into more manic strings of numbers. He punched in when the voice

told him, froze a segment, matched up—found a correspondence with his plotted

course. He grinned to himself, still scared witless, human component in a near C

projectile, and stared at the screens with trank-dulled eyes.

He kicked into Pell jump range with velocity that had the incoming-range buoy

screaming its automated indignation at him, advising whatever lunatic had just

come within its scan that he was traveling too fast and headed dead-on for

trafficked zones.

Dump! it warned him, dopplered and restructured by his com. Its systems were

hurling machine-to-machine warnings at Lucy’s autoalert, which Lucy was primed

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J