Cherryh, CJ – Merchanters Luck

little more than hearsay for an impoundment. And the damage to my

reputation—what repairs that?”

This is Alliance space, Captain. You’re not in Union territory any longer.

Alliance sovereignty. You came here of your own decision, without a visa, which

we allow. But you have to have one to operate here. I’m personally sorry for the

inconvenience, and I assure you Pell’s inquiry will be brief, three days at

maximum. There are several merchanters in from Mariner. We’ll be talking to

them. You have a right to know that the investigation is proceeding and to

confront complainants and witnesses whose testimony is filed to your detriment.

You have a right to counsel; this will be billed to your combine, but should the

charges prove false, as I said, Pell will stand good for the—”

“I don’t have that kind of operation.” Panic crept into his voice. It was in no

wise acting. “I’m an independent under Wyatt’s umbrella. I pay all my own costs

and I’m barely making it as it is. This is going to ruin me. I can’t afford the

time, not even a few days. That comes out of the little profit I do make, and

you’re going to push me right over into the loss column. They’ll attach my


“Captain Stevens, if you’d allow me to finish.”

‘This is something trumped up by some other marginer who doesn’t want my


“Captain, this is not the hearing. You have a right to counsel before making

statements and countercharges and I would advise you to be careful. There are

penalties for libel and malicious accusation, and the ship making charges

against you will likewise be detained, likewise be liable for damages if the

accusation is proved malicious.”

“And where do I get counsel? I haven’t got the funds. Just company funds. What

am I supposed to do?”

Quen looked down the table to her left. Someone nodded. “Legal Affairs will help

you select a lawyer.”

“And prosecute me too?”

“Captain, Pell is the only world in Alliance territory… unless you want a change

of venue to Earth itself. Or extradition to Mariner. At your hearing you can

make either request. But your appointed defender should make it only after

you’ve had a chance to consider all the points of the matter. I repeat, this is

not the hearing. This is only your formal advisement that allegations have been

made, of general character and as yet undefined, but of sufficient concern to

this station to warrant further investigation. Particularly since you are Union

registry, since you’re not familiar with Alliance law, I do suggest you refrain

from comment until you have a lawyer.”

“I’m not one of your citizens.”

“Presumably you’re seeking Alliance registry, which is the only way you can

trade here. Now on the one hand, you’ll be seeking to prove the charges false;

and on the other, if they are proved false, if your record is established, then

your registry would be a matter of form. So if there’s really no problem, it

should after all save you time you might spend waiting for forms and

technicalities, and I might add, at station expense. If you hoped to clear all

your papers and get cargo in a three-day stopover under normal circumstances,

Captain, I’m afraid you were misled.”

“If it’s processed in that time and not after it—” He played for conciliation,

took an easier stance, felt a line of sweat running down his face all the same.

“Quite so. I assure you it will be simultaneous.”

“I appreciate it” He folded his hands behind him and tried to look comforted. He

felt sick. “Where am I supposed to stay, then? I’d like to have access to my


“Not yet”

“Accommodations dockside, then?”

“At any B class lodging.”

“Captain.” That from the militia officer. The voice drew his eyes in that

direction. The blue uniform—was wrong somehow. Foreign. He was not used to

foreignness. He had never imagined any current military force outside Union,

which was all of civilization. The emblem was a sunburst on the sleeve, and

several black bands about the cuff. “Commander Josh Talley, Alliance Forces.

Officially—why are you here?”


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Categories: Cherryh, C.J