Child, Lee – Without Fail

used the disguise to get into a nearby building some hours

before a public appearance and planned a long-range head shot

from a high-floor window. He was using a silencer, so he could

get away afterwards. Could have worked, in theory. But the

story was set a long time ago. Before I was born. Early Sixties, I

think. General de Gaulle, after the Algerian crisis, wasn’t it? We

enforce far wider perimeters now. The movie was a factor in

that, I guess. Plus our own problems in the early Sixties, of


‘And In the Line of Fire?’ Reacher asked.

‘John Malkovich played a renegade CIA operative,’ she said.

‘He manufactured a plastic pistol in his basement so he could

beat the metal detectors and conned his way into a campaign

rally and intended to shoot the President from very close range.

Whereupon, as you say, we would have taken him down immediately.’

‘But old Clint jumped into th path of the bullet,’ Reacher

said. ‘Good movie, I thought.’

‘Implausible, we thought,’ Froelich answered, ff’wo main

faults. First, the idea that you can build a working pistol from

hobbyist material is absurd. We look at stuff like that all the

time. His gun would have exploded, blown his hand off at

the wrist. The bullet would have just fallen out of the wreckage

onto the floor. And second, he spent about a hundred thousand

dollars along the way. Lots and lots of travel, phony offices for

mail-drops, plus a fifty-thousand-dollar donation to the party

that got him into the campaign rally in the first place. Our

assessment was a maniac personality like that wouldn’t have big

bucks to spend. We dismissed it.’


‘It was only a movie,’ Reacher said. ‘But it was illustrative.’

‘Of what?’

‘Of the idea of getting into a rally and attacking the target

from close quarters, as opposed to the old idea of going for

long-distance safety.’

Froelich paused. Then she smiled, a little warily at first, like a

grave danger might be receding into the distance.

‘Is this all you’ve got?’ she said. ‘Ideas? You had me worried.’

‘Like the rally here on Thursday night,’ Reacher said.

‘A thousand guests. Time and place announced in advance.

Advertised, even.’

‘You found the transition’s web site?’

Reacher nodded. ‘It was very useful. Lots of information.’

‘We vet it all.’

‘But it still told me everyplace Armstrong’s going to be,’

Reacher said. ‘And when. And in what kind of a context. Like

the rally right here, Thursday night. With the thousand guests.’

‘What about them?’

‘One of them was a dark-haired woman who got hold of

Armstrong’s hand and pulled him a little off-balance.’

She stared at him. ‘You were there?’

He shook his head. ‘No, but I heard about it.’


He ignored the question. ‘Did you see it?’

‘Only on video,’ she said. ‘Afterwards.’

‘hat woman could have killed Armstrong. That was the first

opportunity. Up to that point you were doing real well. You

were scoring A-plus during the government stuff around the


She smiled again, a little dismissively. ‘Could have? You’re

wasting my time, Reacher. I wanted better than could have. I mean, anything could happen. A bolt of lightning could hit the

building. A meteorite, even. The universe could stop expanding

and time could reverse. That woman was an invited guest.

She was a party contributor, she passed through two metal

detectors and she was ID-checked at the door.’

‘Like John Malkovich.’

‘We’ve been through that.’

‘Suppose she was a martial-arts expert. Maybe military


trained in black ops. She could have broken Armstrong’s neck

like you could break a pencil.’

‘Suppose, suppose.’

‘Suppose she was armed.’

‘She wasn’t. She passed through two metal detectors.’

Reacher put his hand in the pocket of his jacket and came out

with a slim brown object.

‘Ever seen one of these?’ he asked.

It looked like a penknife, maybe three and a half inches long. A curved handle. He clicked a button and a speckled brown

blade snapped outward.

if’his is entirely ceramic,’ he said. ‘Same basic stuff as

a bathroom tile. Harder than anything except a diamond.

Certainly harder than steel, and sharper than steel. And it

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Categories: Child, Lee