Child, Lee – Without Fail

She had her index finger pressed onto her earpiece. She was

moving fast. Heading towards the cops.

He crawled back again and clambered down through the

trapdoor. Slammed it shut above his head and climbed down

the ladder. Through the next trapdoor and down the next

ladder. He picked up his coat and jacket and ran down the

narrow winding stairs. Past the embroidered ends of the bell

ropes and through to the main body of the church.

The oak door was standing wide open.

The lid of the hymnal box was up and the key was in the door

lock from the inside. He stepped over and stood a yard inside

the building. Waited. Listened. Sprinted out into the cold and

stopped again six feet down the path. Spun round. There was

nobody waiting to ambush him. Nobody there at all. The area

was quiet and deserted. He could hear noise far away on the

field. He shrugged into his coat and headed towards it. Saw a

man running towards him across the gravel, fast and urgent. He

was wearing a long brown coat, some kind of heavy twill,

halfway between a raincoat and an overcoat. It was flapping

open behind him. Tweed jacket and flannel trousers under it.


Stout shoes. He had his hand raised like a greeting. A gold

badge palmed in the hand. Some kind of a Bismarck detective.

Maybe the police captain himself.

‘Is the tower secure?’ he shouted from twenty feet away.

‘It’s empty,’ Reacher shouted back. ‘What’s going on?’

The cop stopped where he was and bent over, panting, his

hands on his knees.

‘Don’t know yet,’ he called. ‘Some big commotion.’

Then he stared beyond Reacher’s shoulder at the church.

‘Damn it, you should have locked the door,’ he called. ‘Can’t

leave the damn thing open.’

He raced on towards the church. Reacher ran the other way,

to the field. Met Neagley running in from the entrance road.

‘What?’ she shouted.

‘It’s going down,’ he shouted back.

They ran on together. Through the gate and into the field.

Froelich was moving fast towards the cars. They changed direction

and cut her off.

‘Rifle hidden at the base of the fence,’ she said.

‘Someone’s been in the church,’ Reacher said. He was out of

breath. ‘In the tower. Probably right on the roof. Probably still

around someplace.’

Froelich looked straight at him and stood completely still for

a second. Then she raised her hand and spoke into the microphone

on her wrist.

‘Stand by to abort,’ she said. ‘Emergency extraction on my

count of three.’

Her voice was very calm.

‘Stand by all vehicles. Main car and gun car to target on my

count of three.’

She paused a single beat.

‘One, two, three, abort now, abort now.’

Two things happened simultaneously. First there was a roar

of engines from the mot.orcade and it split apart like a starburst.

The lead cop car jumped forward and the rear cop car slewed

backward and the first two stretch limos hauled through a tight

turn and accelerated across the gravel and straight out onto the

field. At the same time the personal detail jumped all over

Armstrong and literally buried him from view. One agent took


the lead and the other two took an elbow each and the back-up

three piled on and threw their arms up over Armstrong’s head

from behind and drove him bodily forward through the crowd.

It was like a football manoeuvre, full of speed and power. The

crowd scattered in panic as the cars bumped across the grass

one way and the agents rushed the other way to meet them.

The cars skidded to a stop and the personal detail pushed

Armstrong straight into the first and the back-up crew piled into

the second.

The lead cop had his lights and siren started already and was

crawling forward down the exit road. The two loaded limos

fishtailed on the grass and turned round on the field and

headed back to the blacktop. They rolled up straight behind the

cop car and then all three vehicles accelerated hard and headed

out while the third stretch headed straight for Froelich.

‘We can get these guys,’ Reacher said to her. q’hey’re right

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Categories: Child, Lee