Clifford D. Simak. All flesh is grass

have happened. They think it was a plot your father started and you are in

on it.’

‘I’ll watch my step,’ I said.


They were in the living-room. As soon as I came in the kitchen door,

Hiram Martin saw me.

‘There he is!’ he bellowed, leaping up and charging out into the


He stopped his rush and looked accusingly at me. ‘It took you long

enough,’ he said.

I didn’t answer him.

I put the time contraption, still wrapped in my jacket, on the kitchen

table. A fold of cloth fell away from it and the many-angled lenses winked

in the light from the ceiling fixture.

Hiram backed away a step. ‘What’s that?’ he asked.

‘Something I brought back,’ I said. ‘A time machine, I guess.’

The coffee pot was on the stove and the burner was turned low. Used

coffee cups covered the top of the kitchen sink. The sugar canister had its

lid off and there was spilled sugar on the counter top.

The others in the living-room were crowding through the door and there

were a lot of them, more than I’d expected.

Nancy came past Hiram and walked up to me. She put out a hand and laid

it on my arm.

‘You’re all right,’ she said.

‘It was a breeze,’ I told her.

She was beautiful, I thought – more beautiful than I’d remembered her,

more beautiful than back in the high school days when I’d looked at her

through a haze of stars. More beautiful, here close to me, than my memory

had made her.

I moved closer to her and put an arm around her. For an instant she

leaned her head against my shoulder, then straightened it again. She was

warm and soft against me and I was sorry that it couldn’t last, but all the

rest of them were watching us and waiting.

‘I made some phone calls,’ Gerald Sherwood said. ‘Senator Gibbs is

coming out to see you. He’ll have someone from the State Department. On

short notice, Brad, that was the best I could do.’

‘It’ll do,’ I said.

For, standing in my kitchen once again, with Nancy close beside me,

with the lamplight soft in the coming dawn, with the old familiar things all

around, that other world had retreated into the background and had taken on

a softness that half obscured its threat – if it were a threat.

‘What I want to know,’ Tom Preston blurted, ‘is what about this stuff

that Gerald tells us about your father’s flowers.’

‘Yes,’ said Mayor Higgy Morris, ‘what have they to do with it?’

Hiram didn’t say anything, but he sneered at me.

‘Gentlemen,’ said lawyer Nichols, ‘this is not the way to go about it.

You must be fair about it. Keep the questions until later. Let Brad tell us

what he knows.’

Joe Evans said, ‘Anything he has to say will be more than we know now.’

‘OK,’ said Higgy, ‘we’ll be glad to listen.’

‘But first,’ said Hiram, ‘I want to know about that thing on the table.

It might be dangerous. It might be a bomb.’

‘I don’t know what it is,’ I said. ‘It has to do with time. It can

handle time. Maybe you would call it a time camera, some sort of time


Tom Preston snorted and Hiram sneered again. Father Flanagan, the

town’s one Catholic priest, had been standing quietly in the doorway, side

by side with Pastor Silas Middleton, from the church across the street. Now

the old priest spoke quietly, so quietly that one could barely hear him, his

voice one with the lamplight and the dawn. ‘I would be the last,’ he said,

‘to hold that time might be manipulated or that flowers would have anything

to do with what has happened here. These are propositions that go against

the grain of my every understanding. But unlike some of the rest of you, I’m

willing to listen before I reach a judgement.’

‘I’ll try to tell you,’ I said. ‘I’ll try to tell you just the way it


‘Alf Peterson has been trying to call you,’ Nancy said. ‘He’s phoned a

dozen times.’

‘Did he leave a number?’

‘Yes, I have it here.’

‘That can wait,’ said Higgy. ‘We want to hear this story.’

‘Perhaps,’ suggested Nancy’s father, ‘you’d better tell us right away.

Let’s all go in the living-room where we’ll be comfortable.’

We all went into the living-room and sat down.

‘Now, my boy,’ said Higgy, companionably, ‘go ahead and spill it.’

I could have strangled him. When I looked at him, I imagine that he

knew exactly how I felt.

‘We’ll keep quiet,’ he said. ‘We’ll hear you out.’

I waited until they all were quiet and then I said, ‘I’ll have to start

with yesterday morning when I came home, after my car had been wrecked, and

found Tupper Tyler sitting in the swing.’

Higgy leaped to his feet. ‘But that’s crazy?’ he shouted. ‘Tupper has

been lost for years.’

Hiram jumped up, too. ‘You made fun of me,’ he bellowed, ‘when I told

you Tom had talked to Tupper.’

‘I lied to you,’ I said. ‘I had to lie to you. I didn’t know what was

going on and you were on the prod.’

The Reverend Silas Middleton asked, ‘Brad, you admit you lied?’

‘Yes, of course I do. That big ape had me pinned against the wall…’

‘If you lied once, you’ll lie again,’ Tom Preston shrilled.

‘How can we believe anything you tell us?’

‘Tom,’ I said, ‘I don’t give a damn if you believe me or not.’

They all sat down and sat there looking at me and I knew that I had

been childish, but they burned me up.

‘I would suggest,’ said Father Flanagan, ‘that we should start over and

all of us make a heroic effort to behave ourselves.’

‘Yes, please,’ said Higgy, heavily, ‘and everyone shut up.’

I looked around and no one said a word. Gerald Sherwood nodded gravely

at me.

I took a deep breath and began.

‘Maybe,’ I said, ‘I should go even farther back than that – to the time

Tom Preston sent Ed Adler around to take out my telephone.’

‘You were three months in arrears,’ yelped Preston. ‘You hadn’t


‘Tom,’ said lawyer Nichols, sharply.

Tom settled back into his chair and began to sulk.

I went ahead and told everything – about Stiffy Grant and the telephone

I’d found in my office and about the story Alf Peterson had told me and then

how I’d gone out to Stiffy’s shack. I told them everything except about

Gerald Sherwood and how he had made the phones. I somehow had the feeling

that I had no right to tell that part of it.

I asked them, ‘Are there any questions?’

‘There are a lot of them,’ said lawyer Nichols, ‘but go ahead and

finish. Is that all right with the rest of you?’

Higgy Morris grunted. ‘It’s all right with me,’ he said.

‘It’s not all right with me,’ said Preston, nastily. ‘Gerald told us

that Nancy talked with Brad. He never told us how. She used one of them

phones, of course.’

‘My phone,’ said Sherwood. ‘I’ve had one of them for years.’

Higgy said, ‘You never told me, Gerald.’

‘It didn’t occur to me,’ said Sherwood, curtly.

‘It seems to me,’ said Preston, ‘there has been a hell of a lot going

on that we never knew about’

‘That,’ said Father Flanagan, ‘is true beyond all question. But I have

the impression that this young man has no more than started on his story.’

So I went ahead. I told it as truthfully as I could and in all the

detail I could recall.

Finally I was finished and they sat not moving, stunned perhaps, and

shocked, and maybe not believing it entirely, but believing some of it.

Father Flanagan stirred uneasily. ‘Young man,’ he asked, ‘you are

absolutely sure this is not hallucination?’

‘I brought back the time contraption. That’s not hallucination.’

‘We must agree, I think,’ said Nichols, ‘that there are strange things

going on. The story Brad has told us is no stranger than the barrier.’

‘There isn’t anyone,’ yelled Preston, ‘who can work with time. Why time

is – well, it’s…’

‘That’s exactly it,’ said Sherwood. ‘No one knows anything of time. And

it’s not the only thing of which we’re wholly ignorant. There is

gravitation. There is no one, absolutely no one, who can tell you what

gravitation is.’

‘I don’t believe a word of it,’ said Hiram, flatly. ‘He’s been hiding

out somewhere …’

Joe Evans said, ‘We combed the town. There was no place be could hide.’

‘Actually,’ said Father Flanagan, ‘it doesn’t matter if we believe all

this or not. The important thing is whether the people who are coming out

from Washington believe it.’

Higgy pulled himself straighter in his chair. He turned to Sherwood.

‘You said Gibbs was coming out. Bringing others with him.’

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Categories: Simak, Clifford