Curious Republic of Gondour by Mark Twain

little one-horse town. Well, well, well, I hain’t got time to be

palavering along here–got to nail on the lid and mosey along with’ him;

and if you’ll just give me a lift we’ll skeet him into the hearse and

meander along. Relations bound to have it so–don’t pay no attention to

dying injunctions, minute a corpse’s gone; but if I had my way, if I

didn’t respect his last wishes and tow him behind the hearse, I’ll be

cuss’d. I consider that whatever a corpse wants done for his comfort is

a little enough matter, and a man hain’t got no right to deceive him or

take advantage of him–and whatever a corpse trusts me to do I’m a-going

to do, you know, even if it’s to stuff him and paint him yaller and keep

him for a keepsake–you hear me!”

He cracked his whip and went lumbering away with his ancient ruin of a

hearse, and I continued my walk with a valuable lesson learned–that a

healthy and wholesome cheerfulness is not necessarily impossible to any

occupation. The lesson is likely to be lasting, for it will take many

months to obliterate the memory of the remarks and circumstances that

impressed it.


The latest report about the Spanish crown is, that it will now be

offered to Prince Alfonso, the second son of the King of Portugal,

who is but five years of age. The Spaniards have hunted through all

the nations of Europe for a King. They tried to get a Portuguese in

the person of Dom-Luis, who is an old ex-monarch; they tried to get

an Italian, in the person of Victor Emanuel’s young son, the Duke of

Genoa; they tried to get a Spaniard, in the person of Espartero, who

is an octogenarian. Some of them desired a French Bourbon,

Montpensier; some of them a Spanish Bourbon, the Prince of Asturias;

some of them an English prince, one of the sons of Queen Victoria.

They have just tried to get the German Prince Leopold; but they have

thought it better to give him up than take a war along with him.

It is a long time since we first suggested to them to try an

American ruler. We can offer them a large number of able and

experienced sovereigns to pick from-men skilled in statesmanship,

versed in the science of government, and adepts in all the arts of

administration–men who could wear the crown with dignity and rule

the kingdom at a reasonable expense.

There is not the least danger of Napoleon threatening them if they

take an American sovereign; in fact, we have no doubt he would be

pleased to support such a candidature. We are unwilling to mention

names–though we have a man in our eye whom we wish they had in

theirs.–New York Tribune.

It would be but an ostentation of modesty to permit such a pointed

reference to myself to pass unnoticed. This is the second time that ‘The

Tribune’ (no doubt sincerely looking to the best interests of Spain and

the world at large) has done me the great and unusual honour to propose

me as a fit person to fill the Spanish throne. Why ‘The Tribune’ should

single me out in this way from the midst of a dozen Americans of higher

political prominence, is a problem which I cannot solve. Beyond a

somewhat intimate knowledge of Spanish history and a profound veneration

for its great names and illustrious deeds, I feel that I possess no merit

that should peculiarly recommend me to this royal distinction. I cannot

deny that Spanish history has always been mother’s milk to me. I am

proud of every Spanish achievement, from Hernando Cortes’s victory at

Thermopylae down to Vasco Nunez de Balboa’s discovery of the Atlantic

ocean; and of every splendid Spanish name, from Don Quixote and the Duke

of Wellington down to Don Caesar de Bazan. However, these little graces

of erudition are of small consequence, being more showy than serviceable.

In case the Spanish sceptre is pressed upon me–and the indications

unquestionably are that it will be–I shall feel it necessary to have

certain things set down and distinctly understood beforehand. For

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Categories: Twain, Mark