Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

`I’ve never seen Tab do that before,’ and the captain sounded slightly offended.

That’s all I needed, Thian thought, closing his eyes briefly, not only against the sudden kneading of Tab’s claws in his leg but also because no crew liked to see their barque-cat display affection to, or even interest in, newcomers.

`I’m sorry about this, too, sir,’ Thian said, lifting his hands up and down, wanting to pet her because one was always polite to a barque-cat but not wanting to further offend the captain of her ship.

`You do seem to have a way of relieving the tedium of a long voyage, Prime!’ And when Thian stared at him in surprise, he added, `Oh, pet her before she makes ribbons of your leg. She’s insatiable for attention when she’s gravid. Now, where were we?’ `I think you were about to tell me off for my antics today.. -` `I was?’ The captain’s eyebrows once again raised up in feigned surprise. `You know that for certain – Prime?’ There was a delicate pause before the last word.

`Sir, you must know that with a shield as tight as yours I couldn’t get a trace of your feelings about my … unorthodox behaviour. Which,’ and Thian lifted a hand in apology, `is as good as admitting that I tried, I know, though ethics do inhibit me from reading past the public mind unless given explicit permission. But with so much at stake `Indeed there is, young Lyon,’ Ashiant said, leaning back in his chair as he watched the cat lower her head to her paws on Thian’s lap, `which is why I will ask you from now on to stick to the normal procedures whenever possible. You acted with promptness – if in a most unusual manner – in a situation that could have had tragic results.

I see, however, that your . . ah – skills will be more extensive than I had been led to believe. I feel much better about communications already after your exercise of `Dini today.

`First I’ll discuss with you the duties which Earth Prime felt you would be able to perform to ease the discomforts of this long voyage.’ He held up strong thick fingers, ticking off the responsibilities one by one. `All interracial ship communications which, in all honesty, have been damned sparse and misunderstood so far; all necessary transportation between ships in this squadron; receipt and despatch of all capsules, drone and personnel; instruction for all officers in basic `Dini. Among us we’ve only enough to express “stop, go, port, starboard and attack imminent: yellow and red alert”.’ His eyebrows did a roller-coaster effect of disgusted dismay at such paucity. He waited significantly until Thian nodded hurriedly in acceptance. `I’ve a list-‘ and he passed over a comreader pencil file, `of all those on board who’ve tested Talented. Not many but I’m told that their abilities can augment yours in an emergency Ashiant paused again, eyebrows raised at Thian.

`I’ll try to announce emergencies whenever possible, Captain,’ he said meekly.

`Emergencies never announce themselves beforehand, Prime,’ Ashiant said, his sentence a long sigh of resignation. `However, you will discuss what might be demanded of them, preferably singly as what you have in your hand is exceedingly top secret,’ and Thian quickly shoved the file into his breast pocket, pressing the closing tab tight. `We have, unfortunately, found that those with minor Talent are disadvantaged by it so, unless those on board have discovered each other by chance, they’re unknown to each other. But it’s nice to have a back-up system… `Thian thought his parents and grandparents would have strangled at being termed `back-up’ system but Ashiant was only repeating what was a common attitude among non-Talented.

`Introduce yourself so you can be tuned, or primed ii6

or whatever for whatever code or method you use to do whatever it is you Primes do.’ He made circles with one hand to indicate either indifference or ignorance. Then he leaned forward and lowered his voice. `Thian Lyon, I’m the only one on board who knows your chronological age. That white lock doesn’t wash out, does it? No?’ The captain nodded when Thian murmured that it was a genetic attribute.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne