Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

`Now, I suggest that you give yourself,’ his father said, `say, half an hour, to appreciate this unexpected honour before you get your head back down to size. Because you’re not allowed to mention this to anyone. Not even your `Dinis, until the formalities are observed and your official orders are cut.’ `Not even Laria?’ `Especially not your sister, Thian, since she’s slated to depart to Callisto in two days’ time,’ his mother said. She gave his hair a brief stroke at his disappointment. `She’ll hear through the appropriate sources, dear.’ `Consider this your first exercise in naval intelligence. You’ll soon hear many messages you may never even hint you’ve received.’ `And I used to wonder why I had to help you with those big-daddies all the time.’ Thian’s active mind had also been cataloguing the sort of materiel he’d be having to `port to his squadron.

`To every thing its use and season, Afra said, obviously quoting.

Just then a tray with glasses and a basket of tidbits came floating into the Tower room.

`A celebration is obviously called for: quiet, necessarily limited to immediate family members but none the less a celebration, son,’ Damia said, and herself placed one glass in Thian’s hand.

Three glasses chimed melodiously as they met: their contents then ceremonially drunk.

Thian found it was harder to keep his mouth shut over this than he’d anticipated. It was even harder to suppress the inner excitement that threatened to bubble up whenever he considered his altered status.

Fortunately, Laria was involved with renewing contacts with her siblings and their `Dinis. She also `ported frequently to the `Dini village to spend time with relatives of those she knew on Clarf.

The first time Thian had accompanied her, he had been awed at the sophistication of her `Dini vocabulary. True, they had been paired with young `Dinis, who were also learning their language from their adults, but vocabulary and complexity had reached a mature level even before Laria had gone to Clarf. But now… Thian went with her whenever he could, listening to the new combinations of sound and sign.

He wouldn’t be talking baby-talk to the naval `Dinis.

Look, Thian, Laria said, turning on him before she went off for the fourth morning to the village, I’m real pleased you like my company but haven’t you something better to do with your time?

Gee, Lar, I have missed you, he began, caught without a glib excuse ready. And it’s a real treat to hear you speak `Dini. You’ve learned a great deal. I thought I was fluent – And he paused, hoping the flattery would cover his genuine need.

But you’ve been using complex constructions I’ve never heard before.

Laria gave him a long measuring look. Thian?

You’re my brother and I know you well enough to know you’re covering. What?

Could we just leave it that I need to improve technical `Din i-speak?

You’ll pick it up very quickly once you’re on Clarf, Thian, she began. You’re pretty fluent as it is.

In day-to-day stuff, but not the technical jargon and I will need that, won’t I?

She frowned slightly, cocking her head at him, and he could feel her mind push against his. He waggled a finger at her `That’s not good manners,’ he said.

`You’ve never minded before. And you are hiding something.’ `Not hiding,’ he said with a grin, `but you know that we never talk Tower business.’ `Oh, all right, Thian, you can come today – for the last time.’ It would be, Thian knew, but he couldn’t indicate that either.

It was getting harder and harder to suppress his inner excitement.

Still, if he couldn’t handle this minor incident, he oughtn’t to accept the assignment at all.

You are the best candidate for this job, son, his father said softly. Never doubt that!

Laria knows a lot more technical lingo than I do.

Wouldn’t she be better?

Having doubts is normal. Overcoming them is part of maturing. I would be more worried about your success if you didn’t question yourself. Your training and experience are more than adequate for this assignment. Laria would not do as well as you will!

Thian let himself be reassured, especially as he wanted this duty more than anything. Very softly even in his own head, Thian added: Roddie would be livid with envy.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne