DARK DESTINY By Christine Feehan

“Did you know that when you are exceptionally upset with me, your eyes darken to the most beautiful black? It reminds of the midnight hour. So perfect when the air is still and the stars are out and you can see the night sky. Your eyes are like that.”

Deliberately he sighed. His hands continued to wash her body, lingering on her curves. “My eyes should be making you tremble. I am giving you a most disapproving look. It is meant to intimidate, not make you think of the sky at midnight.”

A laugh slipped out. That small carefree sound that was so rare for her. “I can’t help how you look. It’s tempting to upset you just to see that particular color.”

“I am not amused.” He tried to sound as grim as he felt. She might turn him inside out, even melt his heart, but he was staring down at her ravaged face, looking at her body where dark bruises marred the pale coloration of her skin. He knew how close he’d come to losing her and… it could have been prevented.

She wanted to apologize. She touched lightly on the memory in his mind, the moment he realized she was in danger but would not call him. She felt the terror welling up in him, shaking him. Turning his stomach and seizing his lungs, robbing him of breath. Then there was a dark, brooding rage, ugly and menacing, a dangerous demon lifting and stretching, unsheathing claws as it opened its mouth to roar a protest.

Deliberately Destiny lay back in his arms to allow the water to close over her face, hiding the tears burning in her eyes. His anger ran deep. It simmered just below the surface. He held her tenderly, washed her, murmured beautiful things, but the rage was there all the same. She had succeeded in scaring him. And hurting him. His emotional pain was deep and sharp, and that was far more painful to bear than his anger.

“A little pain isn’t going to hurt me, Destiny, and certainly is not worth your tears.” He lifted her up higher, bringing her head out of the water. “Your tears tear me apart. Stop.” He made it an order, leaning over her to kiss both eyelids.

Her arms tightened around his neck. “You just aren’t as tough as you like to think.” She forced a brief smile, wanting to please him. Wanting to show him that he mattered to her.

He carried her out of the pool, waving his hand to open the earth, a quick, impatient gesture. Nicolae knelt to lay her gently in the dark, rich earth. The soil was cool and welcoming on her hot skin. At once she felt a semblance of peace washing over her. Her lashes drifted down. “Tell me how it is you can speak to me when you have never taken my blood.”

“It is necessary to heal you.” His voice was gentle, a soft, melodic persuasion.

“I know. But how is it we are so strongly connected?”

“You are a much more powerful talent than you realize. Telepathy runs strong in you. As a child you reached for me and connected. I am an ancient with talents of my own. My need to help you was the strongest compulsion I had ever experienced. Once we had connected, you were an obsession. I could do no other than find you.” His fingertips stroked back her hair.

She reached up, caught his hand. “You’re not giving me an answer.”

“You know the answer.”

There was silence in the cave. The bubbles in the pool sent waves against the boulders, lapping gently at the rock, providing a strange music.

“How can someone be so powerful? How can you reach through time and space without a blood bond?”

“I have always had certain gifts. Once you connected with me, you were imprinted on my mind.” And in my heart and soul. He bent his head to kiss the corner of her mouth. “Each time you connected with me, the imprint became stronger. I believe I have some sort of telepathic ability beyond the blood bond of our people.”

A small shiver went down Destiny’s spine. “How do I know you aren’t enhancing my feelings for you? I have to know this is real.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan