DARK DESTINY By Christine Feehan

She did glare at him then. “Don’t remind me you weren’t overcome with passion; it was the only excuse I had for you. What were you thinking, Nicolae? We don’t know what that blood might do to you. It burns and corrupts, and you have darkness lurking in you. I’ve seen glimpses of it more than once. I’d hate to have to rip out your heart in the early morning hours when you least expected it, but if you give me any trouble and start exhibiting any vamp behavior, you’re gone.” She said the last with more glee than reluctance.

Nicolae couldn’t help the laughter spilling out of him at her audacity. “I will be certain to watch myself.”

“Seriously, Nicolae, if you thought about it ahead of time and planned it out so carefully, what good did you think would come of it?”

There was a sudden silence. He made no response, but all at once he seemed different, no longer the relaxed lifemate lounging in his lair. She could feel waves of power, of strength; she recognized the danger in him. And he was watching her with the unblinking stare of a predator. For a moment she stood blinking up at him, her heart jumping in her chest. She found herself taking a step backward, away from him.

Nicolae reached out to recapture her hand. “Do not look at me with fear in your eyes. You are my lifemate, bound to me for all time. I would never hurt you, Destiny. It would be impossible to do such a thing.”

“We’re joking about tainted blood, but what if it’s not a joke? What if you turn? I couldn’t really kill you. I know I couldn’t make myself do it.”

His smile softened the hard angles of his face. “I am pleased to hear such a reluctant admission. Never fear, Vikirnoff would take care of such a matter should there be need. I am not worried. If I must live with tainted blood, so be it. I believe the healer can rid us of it, however.”

Her stomach somersaulted. There it was. Out in the open at last. “The healer,” she echoed. “You keep speaking of a healer. You tried to heal me, but the tainted blood is still there.” Nicolae was a miracle worker. She had seen firsthand what he could do. If he was unable to succeed in ridding her body of the vampire’s contaminated blood, then no one could do such a thing.

“Our people have healers much greater than I will ever be. They are born into a line of ancients who carry this talent. They are the true miracle workers for our people. There is one close to us. The call went out for healers to save a pregnant woman with heart disease. I believe the woman and the baby are alive and doing well. I summoned one of the healers to us.”

Her hand went to her throat defensively, as if she expected wolves to tear it out. “This is another one of your brilliant arbitrary decisions?”

“I thought it best. If he can heal us, we will have a normal life together.” He ignored her disbelieving snort. “If he cannot, you will never feel alone in this world. If our people choose to condemn us, we will still be together.”

She closed her eyes, turned away from him so he couldn’t see the expression on her face. “You took the chance of living the rest of your immortal life as an outcast? Just so I wouldn’t feel alone?” She wanted to shake him until his teeth rattled. She wanted to kiss him until they both fell back on the bed senseless. She wanted to weep for the strength of his love and commitment.

“You are my life, my very soul, Destiny. I could do no other.”

His simple words shook her. Could someone really love another that much? So selflessly? She let her breath out slowly, trying to regain a semblance of composure. “Who is this paragon of virtue with such a talent?”

“He is called ‘the dark one.’ He is a descendant of a great line of hunters, and second-in-command to our Prince. He guards our Prince and is a renowned healer. He holds power in his mind and hands. I believe he is the one who will be able to help us. He is called Gregori.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan