Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

Jaxon was busy stabbing at various buttons. “Which one of these things makes it so he can? You use mind control so easily, Lucian. Are you controlling me, too?”

Very gently Lucian laid a hand over hers to still her frantic fingers. “Be calm, Jaxon. You are suffering needlessly. I do not control your mind. If I did so, you would not be placing yourself in danger at every opportunity. Believe it or not, I am working at finding a balance with your nature. Carpathian males are not easy with other men around their women. That is a simple fact. There is no need to fear what is natural. My emotions are new and raw, but I would never harm you or someone you care for.”

“Well, I am not Carpathian, so you’ll just have to get used to it,” she muttered rebelliously. “And I’m not afraid of you.” In the close confines of the car, with his hand covering hers, his thumb sliding back and forth in a caress over her wrist, it was difficult to think of anything but Lucian. “I’m a cop. Those men are my partners. We watch each other’s backs. It’s how I live, how we all survive.” In spite of her determination not to, she found herself explaining.

“I knew there was a reason I did not want you to continue in your chosen profession,” Lucian said without expression. He leaned down to her, his palm finding her chin to force her head up. “I do not like to see you in danger. It is more than my heart can stand. Add your sorrow and the guilt you heap upon yourself, and my heart knows what it feels like to break. If another man, human or not, decides to look upon you with desire and then places his hands on you, I have a wish to lose my control for just a few minutes.”

Jaxon found herself managing a small smile at his complete sincerity. “Did you make Tom think I looked like a wrinkled old crone or something?”

“It was a temptation.” His hand slipped to the nape of her neck and found several tendrils of hair to caress. “I had a primitive urge to discourage him from coveting you.”

She blinked up at him suspiciously. “I don’t want to know what you mean, so don’t bother to explain.”

A slow smile warmed the black ice of his eyes. “You are beginning to know me.”

“Thank you for saving Barry. The glimpse I caught of him, he looked to be in bad shape. I know it must have been difficult destroying the ghoul there, helping me, and working on him all at the same time.” She could feel his exhaustion. It didn’t show on his face, but it was in his mind. He was extremely tired. He had used tremendous energy tonight. Even someone as powerful as Lucian could get tired.

She was certain she was tired, too, but it manifested itself more as sorrow. It was almost too much to comprehend the loss of so many of the people she knew and cared about. For a moment the reality of it all touched her mind, and she couldn’t breathe, her lungs refusing to work properly. “If the man at the apartments wasn’t Drake, and the one at the station house wasn’t him either, who were they, and how did they know exactly what Drake did to his victims? How would they know whom to kill? And why would they even want to kill them, Lucian?”

“There is only one answer, angel.” Lucian’s voice was more expressionless than ever. It made Jaxon glance up at him in apprehension. “There must be a vampire involved here, a master vampire, one of the ancients. It is a creature capable of such things.”

“It has Drake? Is he dead?” There was almost a hopeful note in her voice.

Lucian shook his head. “More than likely Drake is still out there somewhere, probably puzzled by these murders. The vampire has read your mind, picked the details out of your head, and that is why you knew something was wrong. The details were not exactly Drake. The vampire created his ghouls and sent them out with orders to kill whoever had fond memories of you.”

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