‘Yes, sir.’ Appius glanced up at the taller man. Barus was not looking at him and seemed uncomfortable. Appius sighed. He knew the truth, of course. Everyone did.

‘I also have a present for her – a ring I had made. It is very valuable. Would you carry that also?’

‘Yes, sir. I shall see that she gets it.’

‘Good. Good. Well, are you looking forward to seeing Stone again?’ He saw Barus relax, and the young man resumed eye contact. He grinned.

‘Yes, sir. I am to be engaged. We will be married at the Midwinter Festival.’

‘You know the girl well?’

‘We were childhood sweethearts, sir. We chose each other.’

‘The best way, I am told,’ said Appius. ‘I wish you joy.’

Before Barus could answer they saw a black-garbed tribesman riding down the hillside to the east. ‘It is the man Connavar,’ said Barus. ‘The Gath call him Demonblade. They think he has some mystic power in battle.’

There is nothing mystic about a good fighter,’ said Appius. ‘A strong right arm and a valiant heart. That plus a little luck when needed.’

Appius put on his helm and buckled the chin strap. The tribesman was riding fast, which did not bode well. Could it be they were about to come under attack? Appius hoped not. With only three thousand men he would be hard pressed to hold a barbarian army until the next Panther arrived.

Connavar reined in before the officers and dismounted. Appius looked into the young man’s odd-coloured eyes, then glanced down and saw the splashes of blood upon his tunic and leggings.

‘Where was the fight?’ he asked.

‘Around a mile from here, General, but it was a skirmish only.’

‘How far north is the Perdii army?’

‘I do not believe it is to the north. We have been tricked. A small force of a hundred men came north, creating a false trail. I think Carac slipped away to the east and hid his army. I also believe he will come out of hiding today and attack General Jasaray while he is on the march.’

‘You believe the full Perdii army is behind us?’

‘I do, General. Perhaps fifty thousand men.’

‘But you could be wrong?’

‘I could be wrong about the timing of the attack,’ admitted Connavar, ‘but I know the army did not flee to the north. I can think of no other sensible reason for the subterfuge. He plans to surprise Jasaray.’ .

Appius thought for a moment. ‘There will be a screen of scouts alongside the marching column. It is not possible for Jasaray to be taken by surprise.’

‘A screen of Gath scouts,’ said Barus. ‘Even if they keep to the regulation distance – which would be a minor miracle – that would still only give Jasaray a few minutes to form his defences.’

‘He will have two Panthers with him, and a third following around an hour behind,’ said Appius. Returning his attention to Connavar he asked: ‘Where is Ostaran?’

‘I have sent him to gather all of his forces and ride south. We are spread thin, but – depending on where the battle is fought -I would think we can assemble close to a thousand riders.’

‘That is all very well if you are correct, young man. If you are not then you will be leaving my Panther without a cavalry screen and prey to assault from a massive force. Have you thought of that?’

‘There is no army to face you here, General,’ said Connavar. ‘That I know for certain. It seems to me that you face two choices. Either you complete the fortress, or you march to aid the Scholar. Which you choose is your own affair. But I am riding south.’ With that the warrior vaulted to the saddle, swung the reins and kicked his horse into a run.

‘What do you think, sir?’ asked Barus.

‘He seems a capable young man. And if he is right Jasaray will find himself in great peril.’

‘What shall we do?’

Appius ignored the question and wandered away. He had been ordered to protect the site and wait for the next Panther and Jasaray.

If he marched his men south, and the tribesman was wrong, he would be a laughing stock.

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Categories: David Gemmell