‘I came back,’ he said.


valanus leaned back in the hot perfumed water and stared across the new bathhouse, with its marble columns and wooden benches set in ornately carved recesses. It was a picture of elegance and style, and a sight he had sorely missed during his missions among the barbarians. Easing himself deeper into the water he felt his muscles relax. Splashing his face he ran his fingers through his short-cropped white hair, then closing his eyes he imagined himself back in the city, with its theatres and gardens.

His contentment was shattered by a sudden commotion. Valanus sat up and glanced towards the marble-panelled doorway. Three Keltoi chieftains stood clustered there. The Stone officer suppressed a smile as a servant tried to encourage the chieftains to step inside and remove their clothing. One might as well teach a monkey to play the flute, thought Valanus, as teach these barbarians the essentials of civilized living. Dunking his head under the warm water he rolled over and swam across the tiled bath, emerging at the far end, just below where the three Keltoi were standing.

‘It was only an invitation, Ostaran,’ said Valanus, with a forced smile, ‘not a command. You don’t have to bathe. Some of your people, I understand, fear warm water.’

Ostaran gave a cold smile, then stripped off his shirt, leggings and boots and handed them to the servant. The man held the items at arm’s length, as if fearing the garments would stab him, then carried them to a shelf nearby. Ostaran sat on the side of the bath, dipping his feet into the water. His two companions watched him, their expressions grim. Ostaran breathed in deeply. ‘It smells

of lavender,’ he told them, then eased himself over the side. Once in the water he splashed his face, rubbing his slender hands over his drooping blond moustache. Untying the two braids he shook his hair loose and ducked under the surface.

‘Not as bad as you thought?’ asked Valanus, as Ostaran surfaced. Looking up at the other men he grinned. ‘Where a Gath can go surely Ostro warriors can follow?’

‘Not always,’ said the first man, a powerfully built tribesman with a forked red beard. ‘I heard of a Gath who once stuck his head up a cow’s arse for a bet. Turned his hair green. I never heard of an Ostro who would follow that.’ So saying, he gestured to his companion and they left the bathhouse. Valanus turned to see Ostaran smiling.

‘You always smile when you are insulted?’ . -,.

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Categories: David Gemmell