David Gemmell- Drenai 02 – The King Beyond the Gate

‘Not of the Blood, you mean,’ said Tenaka dryly.

‘I have nothing against common men. But he has not the training to plan a campaign.’

‘What else?’

‘Two risings in the west – both ruthlessly put down. All the men crucified, fields sewn with salt. You know the system!’

‘What about the south?’

‘Difficult to say. News is scarce. But Ceska’s there. On hand. I don’t think they will rise. It is said that there is a secret society against Ceska, but that is likely to be no more than talk.’

‘What do you suggest?’ asked Tenaka.

‘Let us go to Drenan, kill Ceska and then retire.’

‘That simple?’

‘The best plans are always simple, Tani,’

‘What about the women?’

Ananais shrugged. ‘What can we do? You say Renya wants to be with you? Let her come. We can leave her with friends in Drenan. I still know one or two people I think we can rely on.’

‘And Valtaya?’

‘She won’t stay with us – there is nothing for her. We will leave her in the next town.’

Tenaka raised an eyebrow. ‘Nothing for her?’

Ananais looked away. ‘Not any more, Tani. Once, maybe.’

‘All right. We will head for Drenan, but angle to the west. Skoda should be beautiful at this time of the year.’

Side by side they returned to the camp, where they found three strangers waiting. Tenaka spoke softly: ‘Scout around, Ani. See how many other surprises are in the offing.’ Then he walked forward. Two of the men were warriors, both about the same age as Tenaka himself. The third was an old man, blind and wearing the tattered blue robes of the Seekers.

The warriors approached him. They were uncannily alike, black-bearded and stern of eye, though one was fractionally taller than the other. It was the shorter man who spoke.

‘I am Galand and this is my brother, Parsal. We have come to join you, general.’

‘For what purpose?’

‘To put down Ceska. Why else?’

‘I need no help for that, Galand.’

‘I don’t know what game this is, general. The Golden One was in Sousa and he told the crowd the Dragon was back. Well, if that is so, then I reckon I am back too. You don’t recognise me, do you?’

‘In truth I do not,’ said Tenaka.

‘I was not bearded then. I was Bar Galand of the Third Wing under Elias. I was the Sword Master and I beat you in a tourney once.

‘I remember. The half-moon riposte! You would have ripped out my throat. As it was I had a ghastly bruise.’

‘My brother is a good a man as I. We want to serve.’

‘There is nothing to serve, my friend. I plan to kill Ceska. That is the work of an assassin – not an army.’

“Then we will stick by until the deed is done! I was sick with fever when the call came and the Dragon re-formed. I have been sick with sorrow since. A lot of fine men were lured into that trap. It does not seem right.’

‘How did you find us?’

‘I followed the blind man. Strange, don’t you think?’

Tenaka moved to the fire and sat down opposite the Seeker.

The mystic’s head lifted. ‘I seek the Torchbearer,’ he said, his voice a dry whisper.

‘Who is he?’ asked Tenaka.

‘The Dark Spirit is over the land, like a great shadow,’ whispered the man. ‘I seek the Torch-bearer, from whom all shadows flee.’

‘Who is this man you seek?’ persisted Tenaka.

‘I don’t know. Is it you?’

‘I doubt it,’ answered Tenaka. ‘Will you eat with us?’

‘My dreams told me the Torchbearer would bring me food. Is it you?’


‘There are three,’ said the man. ‘Of Gold, and Ice, and Shadow. One is the Torchbearer. But which one? I have a message.’

Scaler moved forward to crouch at the man’s side.

‘I seek the truth,’ he said.

‘I have the truth,’ replied the mystic, extending his hand. Scaler dropped a small silver coin into his palm.

‘Of Bronze you sprang, haunted and hunted, drawn on your father’s path. Kin to shadow, never resting, never silent. Dark spears hover, black wings to devour. You will stand when others flee. It is in the red you carry.’

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Categories: David Gemmell