David Gemmell- Drenai 02 – The King Beyond the Gate

Renya’s head came up, nostrils flaring. ‘They’re coming back,’ she said.

‘Damn! Get me my sword.’ He glanced round but she had gone, vanished into the trees. He cursed and staggered to his feet, scooping up his sword from the far side of the fire. He felt in no condition to fight.

The terrible howling began again and his blood froze. Then Renya walked back into the clearing with a broad smile on her face.

‘They’re running so fast now, I don’t think they will stop until they reach the sea,’ she said. ‘Why don’t you get some sleep?’

‘How do you do that?’

‘It is a talent I have,’ said Renya.

‘I underestimated you, woman,’ said Tenaka, stretching himself out beside the fire.

‘The cry of men down the ages,’ muttered Renya.


Night was falling once more when Renya and Tenaka sighted the deserted fortress of Dros Corte-swain, nestling in the shadows of the Delnoch mountains. Built as a defence against Vagrian invasion during the days of Egel, the first Earl of Bronze, the fortress had been disused for more than forty years. The town that had sprung up around it was also deserted.

‘Eerie isn’t it?’ said Renya as she guided her grey mare close in to Tenaka.

‘Corteswain was always folly,’ answered Tenaka, gazing up at the bleak battlements. ‘Egel’s only mistake. It is the one fortress in the Drenai that has never seen a battle.’

Their horses’ hooves echoed in the night as they walked towards the main gates. The wood had been removed and the stone opening beckoned to them like a toothless mouth.

‘Couldn’t we camp in the open?’ asked Renya.

‘Too many forest demons,’ said Tenaka, ducking as she swiped a blow at his head.

‘Halt!’ called a quavering voice and Tenaka’s eyes narrowed.

In the open gateway stood an old man in rusty mailshirt. In his hands was a spear with a broken point. Tenaka reined in his mount.

‘Give your name, rider!’ called the old man.

‘I am Bladedancer. This is my wife.’

‘Are you friendly?’

‘We are no threat to any man who does not threaten us.’

‘Then you can come in,’ said the old man. ‘The Gan says it’s all right.’

‘Are you the Gan of Dros Corteswain?’ asked Tenaka.

‘No. This is the Gan,’ said the old man, pointing to the space beside him. ‘Can’t you see?’

‘Of course, forgive me! My compliments to your commanding officer.’

Tenaka rode in to the gateway and dismounted. The old man limped towards him. He looked as if he must be over eighty and his hair was wispy and thin, clinging to his yellow skull like mountain mist. His face was sunken and blue shadows spread beneath his watery eyes.

‘Make no false move,’ he warned. ‘Look you to the battlements. There are archers covering your every step.’ Tenaka glanced up – the ramparts were deserted, save for sleeping pigeons.

‘Very efficient,’ he said. ‘Is there food here?’

‘Oh yes. For those that’s welcome.’

‘Are we welcome?’

‘The Gan says you look like a Nadir.’

‘I am indeed, but I have the honour to serve in the army of the Drenai. I am Tenaka Khan of the Dragon. Will you introduce me to the Gan?’

‘There are two Gans,’ said the old man. ‘This is Gan Orrin – he is the first Gan. Hogun is our scouting.’

Tenaka bowed deeply. ‘I have heard of Gan Orrin. My compliments on your defence of Dros Delnoch.’

‘The Gan says you are welcome and may join him in his quarters. I am his aide. My name is Ciall -Dun Ciall.’

The old man put down his broken spear and wandered away to the darkened keep. Tenaka loosened the saddle-cinch and left his horse to wander in search of grass. Renya followed suit and they set off after Dun Ciall.

‘He’s mad!’ said Renya. ‘There’s no one else here.’

‘He seems harmless enough. And he must have food. I’d as soon save as many of our supplies as I can. Listen – the men he is referring to are the original Gans of Dros Delnoch when my ancestor fought Ulric. Orrin and Hogun were the commanders before Rek became the Earl of Bronze. Humour him – it will be a kindness.’

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Categories: David Gemmell