David Gemmell – Rigante 4 – Stormrider

‘A problem?’ The officer suddenly chuckled. ‘I was led to understand we were here to fight an enemy. You are that enemy. Yet here we are talking. It would be helpful to know what is going on.’

‘True,’ said Galliott. ‘Troops are always the last to be told.’

‘Isn’t that the truth?’

‘I am told that the Moidart will address the men shortly,’ said Galliott.

‘The Moidart? He has made peace with the Finance?’

Galliott shrugged. ‘I know little more than you, captain. And now, if you will excuse me, I must see these tents pitched and my men fed.’

‘Of course. If you hear anything would you be kind enough to relay it to me?’

‘I will,’ promised Galliott.

The officer wandered away, and roused several of his comrades to discuss the situation.

As the dawn light seeped over the eastern mountains a group of men came from Eldacre Castle, carrying a trestle table and its supports. They moved to an area close to the nearest tents of the soldiers of the Finance and set up the trestle. Other men brought a high-backed chair which they placed behind it. By now hundreds of the Finance’s men had been awakened, and were standing around in groups. Many of the Eldacre men moved among them, chatting and discussing events.

Then the Moidart appeared. Dressed in a tunic shirt of black leather which shone like satin, grey leggings and black riding boots he strolled out from the castle unarmed. Behind him came a huge man, bearing a heavy sack upon his shoulder. The Moidart walked to the trestle table and gestured for the giant to lay the sack upon it.

‘Gather round, if you please,’ said the Moidart. ‘Officers to the front. Eldacre men give way and allow our friends from the south to come close.’ He waited as the men shuffled forward, then climbed to stand upon the high-backed chair. ‘I am the Moidart,’ he said. ‘Appointed by the king as Lord of the North. I will keep my comments short, so that you can all discuss them later with your comrades at the barracks and billeted in the town. Firstly, let me address the point most soldiers care about: wages. How much are you promised?’ He pointed to an officer at the front. It was the same man who had earlier spoken to Galliott.

‘Three chaillings a month for officers, one for musketeers, two for cavalry, sir.’

‘Has any payment been received so far?’

‘No, sir.’

‘Then I shall see to it that every man receives his first month’s wage in full tomorrow.’

‘Thank you, sir.’

‘The correct address is my lord. Make that error again and I shall have your tongue cut out.’

‘Yes . . . my lord. I am sorry, my lord.’

‘Now, to move oh,’ said the Moidart, ignoring the hapless man. ‘The Finance has no more need for an army, but I do. Any man who wishes to join with me should remain here after I am gone and give his name to Colonel Galliott and the other officers who will attend him. Any questions?’

‘Yes, my lord,’ called out another captain. ‘Why does the Finance not need his army?’

The Moidart smiled and signalled the giant. The man delved into the sack and drew out the head of the Finance, holding it high. ‘Be so kind as to move among the men, Huntsekker,’ he said. ‘Let them all see.’

Huntsekker walked through the silent crowd, the head held aloft. The movement caused blood to begin to seep from the severed arteries. There was not a sound from the gathered men as Huntsekker moved on.

‘Your attention, if you please,’ called out the Moidart. ‘I have much to do and cannot spend all day on this matter. All of you will, as I promised, receive your first month’s wages tomorrow. Thereafter, those who choose to join me will be paid on the first day of every month. Those who do not wish to remain in my employ are free to return home, without their weapons, of course. I would imagine that those with wives and children in the lands of the Finance would not relish remaining in Eldacre. There will be a meeting of officers in the castle this afternoon an hour before dusk, to find replacements for the men whose heads remain in the sack. I shall now leave you to your breakfast, gentlemen. Any further questions will be answered by Colonel Galliott.’ With that the Moidart stepped down from the chair and walked back to the castle, Huntsekker beside him, still carrying the head of the Finance.

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Categories: David Gemmell