David Gemmell – Rigante 4 – Stormrider

‘It is what you humans are so good at. If you spent half as much time trying to find ways to heal as you spend discovering new ways to kill you would have a great future. You had so much potential.’

‘We still have potential, Cernunnos. There are still good and holy people. We will learn one day.’

‘It would be pleasant to think you were right, Gaise. Unfortunately, for every man or woman on this planet who makes a little magic, there are a thousand who would drain it. However, that is not the issue today. What would you ask of me?’

Gaise sighed. ‘What will happen when I accept the skull?’

‘The power will begin to swell and grow. You will be able to heal all your wounded. You will even be able to bring back the most recent dead. At least those who were not mutilated beyond repair. I was never able to heal a man whose head was crushed, though I have restructured hearts. The brain, you see, is uniquely important. It actually takes three full days to die completely. As long as the head is still connected to the body you will be able to heal.’

‘How will I do that? There are thousands of dead and wounded. I know nothing of restructuring hearts.’

‘You think there is time to teach you what it took me a thousand years to understand?’

‘Then speak simply,’ said Gaise.

‘The true nature of magic concerns harmony and balance. The body – wondrously designed – is self-healing. Bathe it in magic and it will heal more swiftly. The more powerful the magic the faster the healing. You will merely supply the fuel for each body to accomplish what it can. Equally you can move among the enemy and draw away from them every vibrant spark of life. If you will it you can deprive the entire army of air, and watch them suffocate.’

‘And all this power will come from this one, decaying skull?’

‘No, not from the skull, Gaise. It will come to you when you absorb the skull. The greatest talent the Seidh possessed was the ability to draw magic from living things. The skull – my skull -when it is once more surrounded by life, will pull magic from the air, from the earth, from the trees and the rivers. You will swell with it, and feel you cannot hold any more. Then you will release it, to flow over your troops and heal them. Think of it. The dead Rigante restored to life, the crippled living brought back to full health. You will have won, Gaise.’

‘Yow will have won, Cernunnos. You will return and there will be even greater bloodshed.’

‘There is always a price to be paid for glory, kinsman. Your father was right, though. If you lose tomorrow – as you will without me – then someone else will discover this bone you hold. Someone else will restore me to life. Why see all your comrades die before that happens? When I return I will need followers. Many of them will become near immortal.’

‘Until you have found a way to manipulate mankind into destroying itself.’

‘Yes, until then. On most worlds where humanity has existed they have .managed to destroy themselves without help from me. The problem is that they also brought about the destruction of the planets they lived upon. This planet is dear to me. I want to see it as it should be, a wealth of trees and clean rivers, good air and an abundance of life. I have always been partial to wolves and bears. I’d like to see wolves back among the mountains of Caer Druagh. Is that not a noble aim, Gaise Macon?’

‘I am no longer a man with any right to discuss nobility of purpose. How long will I have as a god?’

‘At least five hours, perhaps six.’

‘Are there limits to what I can achieve?’

‘There are always limits. You will not be the Source. You will not be able to change hearts and minds, as they say. You will not be able to die either, Gaise Macon. Weapons will not harm you. Shot and shell and sword will not touch your skin. Ah, I see you are looking downcast. Did you think to take me with you on the swan’s path?’

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Categories: David Gemmell