David Gemmell- Drenai 02 – The King Beyond the Gate

Darik was his most trusted warrior, a general of great guile, second only to the legendary Baris of the Dragon. A tall man in his early fifties, slender and wiry, Darik was clean-shaven and looked younger than his years.

Having heard the reports, and the numbers of the slain, Darik spoke: “The raids seem casual, haphazard, yet I sense unity of thought behind them. What do you say, Maymon?’

The Dark Templar nodded. ‘We are almost through their defences, but already we can see a great deal. They have walled the two passes known as Tarsk and Magadon. And they expect aid from the north, though without great confidence. The leader, as you expected, is Ananais, though it is the woman Rayvan who binds them together.’

‘Where is she?’ asked the emperor.

‘Back in the mountains.’

‘Can you get to her?’

‘Not from the Void. She is protected.’

‘They cannot protect all her friends?’ suggested Ceska.

‘No, my lord,’ agreed Maymon.

‘Then soul-take someone close to her. I want the woman dead.’

‘Yes, my lord. But first we must break through the Void wall of The Thirty.’

‘What of Tenaka Khan?’ snapped Ceska.

‘He escaped to the north. His grandfather, Jongir, died two months ago and there is civil war brewing.’

‘Send a message to the Delnoch commander, ordering him to watch closely for any Nadir army.’

‘Yes, my lord.’

‘Leave me now,’ said the emperor. ‘All except Darik.’

The captains gratefully obeyed, walking out into the night. Around the tent stood fifty Joinings, the largest and most ferocious beasts in Ceska’s army. The captains did not look at them as they passed.

Inside the tent Ceska sat silently for several minutes.

‘They all hate me,’ he said. ‘Small men with small minds. What are they without me?’

‘They are nothing, sire,’ said Darik.

‘Exactly. And what of you, general?’

‘Sire, you can read men like an open book. You can see into their hearts. I am loyal, but the day you doubt me I shall take my life the instant you order it.’

‘You are the only loyal man in the empire. I want them all dead. I want Skoda to be a charnel-house that will be remembered for eternity.’

‘It shall be as you command, sire. They cannot hold against us.’

‘The Spirit of Chaos rides with my forces, Darik. But it needs blood. Much blood. Oceans of blood! It is never satisfied.’

Ceska’s eyes took on a haunted look and he lapsed into silence. Darik sat very still. The fact that his emperor was mad worried him not at all, but Ceska’s deterioration was another matter. Darik was a strange man. Almost totally single-minded, he cared only for war and strategy and what he had told the emperor was the literal truth. When the day came – as come it must – that Ceska’s madness turned on him, he would kill himself. For life would have nothing more to offer. Darik had never loved a single human being, nor been entranced by things of beauty. He cared not for paintings, poetry, literature, mountains nor storm-tossed seas.

War and death were his concerns. But even these he did not love – they merely maintained his interest.

Suddenly Ceska giggled. ‘I was one of the last to see his face,’ he said.

‘Who, my lord?’

‘Ananais, the Golden One. He became an arena warrior and a great favourite with the crowds. One day as he stood there acknowledging their cheers, I sent in one of my Joinings. It was a giant beast, a three-way breed of wolf, bear and man. He killed it. All that work and he killed it.’ Ceska giggled again. ‘But he lost face with the crowd.’

‘How so, sire? Did they like the beast?’

‘Oh no. He just lost face. It’s a jest!’

Darik chuckled dutifully.

‘I hate him. He was the first to sow seeds of doubt. He wanted to lead the Dragon against me, but Baris and Tenaka Khan stopped him. Noble Baris! He was better than you, you know.’

‘Yes, sire. You have mentioned it before.’

‘But not as loyal. You will stay loyal, won’t you, Darik?’

‘I will, sire.’

‘You wouldn’t want to become like Baris, would you?’

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Categories: David Gemmell