David Gemmell- Drenai 02 – The King Beyond the Gate

‘But now you are a man,’ she said.

‘Not much of one. I frighten easily. Still, there is one consolation. If I was any tougher, I would be dead by now.’

‘Or victorious.’

‘Yes,’ he admitted, ‘perhaps victorious. But when they killed Orrin – my grandfather – I ran away. Gave up the earldom and went into hiding. Belder came with me – the last retainer. I have been a great disappointment to him.’

‘How did you survive?’

He grinned. ‘I became a thief. Hence the name. I climbed into people’s homes and stole their valuables. It is said that the Earl of Bronze began his career in this way, so I believe I am merely carrying on the family tradition.’

‘Being a thief takes nerve. You could have been caught and hanged.’

‘You have never seen me run – I move like the wind.’

Renya smiled and stood to glance over the wall to the south. The she sat down once more.

‘What does Tenaka require of you?’

‘Nothing complex. He merely wants me to become an earl again and re-take Dros Delnoch, subduing ten thousand soldiers and opening the gates to allow a Nadir army through. That’s all!’

‘Seriously – what does he want you to do?’

Scaler leaned forward. ‘I have told you.’

‘I don’t believe you. It’s insane!’

‘Nevertheless . . .’

‘It’s impossible.’

‘True, Renya, true. However, there is a certain irony to the plan. Consider it: the descendant of the Earl of Bronze, who held the fortress against Ulric, is now commissioned to take the fortress and allow Ulric’s descendant to pass through with his army.’

‘Where will he get this army? He is hated by the Nadir, even as he is loathed by the Drenai.’

‘Ah yes, but he is Tenaka Khan,’ said Scaler drily.

‘So how will you take the fortress?’ she asked.

‘I have no idea. I will probably march into the keep, declare my identity and ask them all to surrender.’

‘It’s a good plan – simple and direct,’ she said, straightfaced.

‘All the best plans are,’ he said. ‘Tell me how you came to be mixed up in this business.’

‘Just born lucky,’ said Renya, standing once more. ‘Damn it! Why don’t they come?’

‘As you said, we shall know soon enough. Will you join me for breakfast?’

‘I don’t think so. Valtaya is in the kitchens – she will cook you something.’

Sensing she wanted to be alone, Scaler made his way down the stairwell, following the delicious aroma of frying bacon.

He passed Valtaya on her way up and wandered on to the kitchen where Belder was ploughing his way through a heaped dish of bacon, eggs and long beans.

‘A man of your age should have lost his appetite by now,’ observed Scaler, slipping into place opposite the gnarled warrior.

Belder scowled at him. ‘We should have been with them,’ he said.

‘Tenaka asked me to stay,’ pointed out Scaler.

‘I cannot think why,’ snapped Belder, sarcasm heavy in his tone. ‘Just think how handy we would have been.’

Scaler lost patience. ‘I may not have said so before,’ he remarked, ‘but I am getting pretty sick of you, Belder. Either keep your mouth shut or keep out of my way!’

‘The second option sounds like a pleasure,’ said the old warrior, eyes blazing.

‘Then do it! And forget the sanctimonious lectures. You have been on for years about my profligate ways, my fears and my failings. But you didn’t stay with me out of loyalty – you stayed because you are a runner too. I just made it easy for you to hide. Tenaka asked me to stay, but he didn’t ask you – you could have gone.’

Scaler pushed himself upright and left the room. The old man leaned forward on his elbows, pushing the plate away.

‘I did stay out of loyalty,’ he whispered.

In the aftermath of the battle Tenaka wandered off alone into the mountains, his heart heavy and a terrible melancholy settling over him.

Rayvan watched him walk away and moved to follow, but Ananais stopped her.

‘It is his way,’ said the giant. ‘Leave him be.’

Rayvan shrugged and returned to the business of treating the wounded. Makeshift stretchers had been put together, using the Legion lances and cloaks. The Thirty, stripped of their armour, moved among the wounded using their awesome skills to remove pain while stitches were inserted.

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Categories: David Gemmell