David Gemmell- Drenai 02 – The King Beyond the Gate

He desired death, longed for the bleak emptiness and the absence of pain.

By now Ceska would know Tenaka was on his way. The letter would have reached him within the month, travelling as it did by sea to Mashrapur and then north-east to Drenan.

‘I hope you dream of me, Ceska. I hope I walk in your nightmares.’

‘I don’t know about him,’ said a muffled voice, ‘but you walk in mine.’

Tenaka spun to his feet, his sword flashing into the air.

Before him stood the giant in the black mask.

‘I have come to kill you,’ he said, drawing his longsword.


Tenaka edged away from the fire, watching the man, his mind clearing and his body easing into the smooth confident fluidity of combat.

The giant twirled his sword and spread his arms wide for balance. Tenaka blinked as recognition hit him.

‘Ananais?’ he said.

The giant’s sword whistled for his neck, but Tenaka blocked the cut and jumped back.

‘Ananais, is it you?’ he said again.

The giant stood silently for a moment. ‘Yes,’ he said, at last. ‘It is I. Now defend yourself!’

Tenaka sheathed his sword and walked forward. ‘I could not fight you,’ he said. ‘And I know not why you should desire my death.’

Ananais leapt forward, hammering a fist to Tenaka’s head and pitching him to the snow.

‘Why?’ he shouted. ‘You don’t know why! Look at me!’

He wrenched the leather mask from his face and in the flickering firelight Tenaka saw a living nightmare. There was no face, only the twisted, scarred ruin of features. The nose was gone, and the upper lip, jagged white and red scars criss-crossing the remaining skin. Only the blue eyes and the tightly-curled blond hair showed evidence of humanity.

‘Sweet gods of light!’ whispered Tenaka. ‘I didn’t do that … I never knew.’

Ananais moved forward slowly, lowering the point of his sword to touch Tenaka’s neck.

‘The pebble that caused the landslide,’ said the giant cryptically. ‘You know what I mean.’

Tenaka lifted his hand and slowly pushed aside the sword-blade.

‘You will have to tell me, my friend,’ he said, sitting up.

‘Damn you!’ shouted the giant, dropping his sword and hauling Tenaka to his feet, dragging him forward until their faces were inches apart. ‘Look at me!’

Tenaka gazed steadily into the ice-blue eyes, sensing the edge of madness lurking there. His life hung on a thread.

‘Tell me what happened,’ he said softly. ‘I am not running away. If you desire to kill me, so be it. But tell me.’

Ananais released him and turned, seeking his mask, presenting his broad back to Tenaka. And in that moment Tenaka knew what was required of him. Sadness filled him.

‘I cannot kill you,’ he said.

The giant turned again, tears flowing from his eyes.

‘Oh, Tani,’ he said, his voice breaking, ‘look what they did to me!’ As he sank to his knees, hands covering the ruined face, Tenaka knelt beside him in the snow and embraced him. The giant began to weep, his chest heaving, his sobbing loud and painful. Tenaka patted his back as if he were a child and felt his pain as if it were his own.

Ananais had come not to kill him, but to die at his hand. And he knew why the giant blamed him. On the day the order to disband the Dragon had been served, Ananais had gathered the men ready to march on Drenan and depose Ceska. Tenaka and the Dragon Gan, Bans, had defused the situation, reminding the men that they had lived and fought for democracy. Thus the revolution was over before it had begun.

And now the Dragon was destroyed, the land in ruins and terror stalked the Drenai.

Ananais had been right.

Renya watched silently until the sobbing ceased, then she stood and walked to the two men, pausing to add fuel to the dying fire. Ananais glanced up and saw her, then scrabbled for his mask.

She moved to his side, kneeling by him, then gently touched the hands that held the mask in place. Curling her fingers around his hands, she pulled the mask clear, her dark eyes fixed only to the giant’s own.

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Categories: David Gemmell