David Gemmell- Drenai 02 – The King Beyond the Gate

‘Yes. But you need not fear me.’


‘Mercenary. I have prepared you some stew.’

‘I am not hungry.’

‘Eat it anyway,’ ordered Tenaka. The old man stiffened at the authoritative tone, then averted his eyes and nodded. Renya fed him slowly as Tenaka sat by the fire. It was a waste of food, for the old man was dying. Still, he did not regret it and could not understand why.

With the meal over, Renya collected the platters and the pot. ‘My grandfather wishes to speak with you,’ she said and left the room.

Tenaka moved to the bedside, staring down at the dying man. Aulin’s eyes were grey and bright with the beginnings of fever.

‘I am not strong,’ said Aulin. ‘I never was. I have failed everyone who ever trusted me. Except Renya … I never failed her. Do you believe me?’

‘Yes,’ Tenaka answered. Why was it that weak men always felt the need for confession?

‘Will you protect her?’


‘I can pay.’ Aulin gripped Tenaka’s arm. ‘Just take her to Sousa. The city is only five, six days south.’

‘You are nothing to me. I owe you nothing. And you cannot pay me enough.’

‘Renya says you were Dragon. Where is your sense of honour?’

‘Buried under desert sands. Lost in the swirling mists of time. I don’t want to talk to you, old man. You have nothing to say.’

‘Please listen!’ Aulin begged. ‘When I was a younger man I served the Council. I supported Ceska, worked for his victory. I believed in him. So I am, at least in part, responsible for the appalling terror he has visited on this land. I was a Source priest once. My life was in harmony. Now I am dying and I don’t know anything any more. But I cannot die leaving Renya to be taken by the Joinings. I cannot. Don’t you see? My whole life has been a failure – my death must achieve something.’

Tenaka pulled away the old man’s hand and stood.

‘Now you listen,’ he said. ‘I am here to kill Ceska. I do not expect to live beyond the deed, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to take on your responsibilities. You want to see the girl get to Sousa, then recover. Use your will.’

Suddenly the old man smiled, tension and fear falling from him. ‘You want to kill Ceska?’ he whispered. ‘I can give you something better than that.’

‘Better? What could be better?’

‘Bring him down. End his reign?’

‘Killing him should achieve that.’

‘Yes, indeed, but one of his generals would only take over. I can give you the secret which would destroy his empire and free the Drenai.’

‘If this is to be a tale of enchanted swords or mystic spells, do not waste your time. I have heard them all.’

‘No. Promise me you will protect Renya as far as Sousa.’

‘I will think about it,’ said Tenaka. Once more the fire was dying and he fed the last of the wood to the flames before leaving the room in search of the girl. He found her sitting in the cold kitchen.

‘I don’t want your help,’ she said, without looking up.

‘I haven’t offered it yet.’

‘I don’t care if they take me.’

‘You are too young not to care,’ he said, kneeling before her and lifting her chin. ‘I will see that you get safely to Sousa.’

‘Are you sure he can pay you enough?’

‘He says that he can.’

‘I don’t like you very much, Tenaka Khan.’

‘Welcome to the majority view!’ he said.

Leaving her, he returned to his room and the old man. Then he laughed and moved to the window, throwing it wide to the winter air.

Before him the forest stretched on for a white eternity.

Behind him the old man was dead.


Hearing his laughter Renya entered the room. Aulin’s arm had slid from the bed and his bony fingers now pointed at the wooden floor. His eyes were closed and his face peaceful.

She went to him and touched his cheek gently. ‘No more running, Aulin. No more fear. May your Source bring you home!’

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Categories: David Gemmell