David Gemmell – Rigante 3 – Ravenheart

‘I do not deny you your achievements, Call Jace. I admire you for some of them. You did not ask me about my admiration.’

‘Ah well, your likes and dislikes are not important now. Tell me why this Ranaud would kill his own colonel?’

‘He lusts after glory, highlander. He wants to be famous. He thinks there are no battles left to fight – save one. If he defeats the Rigante he will be honoured. His name will be enshrined in the history of the Varlish. He is – like all vain men – a fool. If he was to wait but a little while he could have all the battles he dreams of. A civil war is coming among the Varlish. It will drench the land in blood.’

‘I care nothing for wars among the Varlish,’ said Call. ‘My only desire is to save my own people.’

‘That does you credit, Call Jace.’

‘How do I fight him?’

‘You do not need me to guide you in the planning of a war,’ she told him. ‘What is to come is hateful to me. You must hold out until the winter. After that the Moidart will need all his troops. For the clans in the south will rediscover their pride and their manhood.’

Call gave a derisive laugh. ‘Nothing could make those puppies wolves again. You think I am like the Varlish? All in the south are tainted with Varlish thinking.’

‘Yes, they are. The flame in their hearts has gone out. But they are like dried grass, Call Jace. One spark will ignite them, one glorious spark, one moment of true Rigante greatness. It will break my heart to see it, and at the same time gladden my soul, for the magic will flow out and be carried upon the winds. It will flow over the land, and feed the parched souls of every highlander. Even you.’

‘What are you speaking of?’

‘You will know when the moment comes. You will hear of it. You will even weep, Call Jace.’

‘I have not shed tears since I was a wee lad and my father died.’

‘I know. Too much of your Rigante heritage is locked away, buried deep. But remember my words when the day comes. Now go and prepare for your war, Call Jace. Choose your captains wisely.’

As the snows melted Call instructed Bael and Rayster to double the training of clan warriors.

‘Can we win this war?’ Bael asked him.

‘One day at a time, boy. We will need to hide supplies further back in the mountains, in case they breach the gates and take the valley. Food, salt, powder and shot. We must also build secondary lines of defence. The West Hills is where to start. Build gates across the pass, and move two cannon back there.’

‘If they push us back into the West Hills there’ll be nowhere else to run, Father,’ said Bael. ‘We’ll have our backs to the sea.’

‘I know. Call a meeting for tomorrow. It is time to appoint group leaders and plan our campaign.’


THE EXECUTION OF KILLON USTAL STUNNED THE HIGHLAND community of Black Mountain. The youngster had been wooing a town girl, and had gone to see her one morning. The law regarding the wearing of Rigante colours had not been enforced now for more than a decade and Killon had been wearing an old cloak to ward off the winter cold. News of his arrest only reached Ironlatch two days later. His brothers, Finbarr and Jabe, had gone into town, prepared to pay whatever fine the magistrates demanded. They came back with his decapitated body.

Finbarr and Jabe had quit the farm the following morning, and had headed west to join Call Jace.

Short-handed now, Kaelin, Senlic Carpenter and Bally Koin worked the high pastures, driving cattle back down into the valley. Of the six hundred head at the beginning of winter more than sixty had died in fierce blizzards and snow drifts, or been torn apart by starving wolves. It was hard, gruelling work and Kaelin wished he had time to travel to Black Mountain to hire other herders. He had changed in the last year. Labouring on the farm had widened his shoulders and strengthened his arms, and he had grown taller by almost two inches.

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Categories: David Gemmell