David Gemmell – Rigante 3 – Ravenheart

‘I didn’t think the fights were due to start yet,’ said Banny.

A tall clansman standing close by turned and said: ‘This is not the tournament proper. There were thirty-three entrants, so two had to scrap to decide which of them would be allowed to take part.’ The man suddenly swore. Kaelin saw he was staring at a big, dark-haired man who was strolling away from the bout. Despite the heavily muscled upper frame he moved with easy grace.

‘Who is he?’ asked Kaelin.

‘Chain Shada. He is the Varlish champion. One hundred bouts, they say, and never defeated. He gets to crush the winner of the tourney.’ The anger and contempt in the man’s voice surprised Kaelin.

‘Why do you say crush?’

‘Think on it, lad. Thirty-two fighters. The man who faces Chain Shada will have fought five times in a single day, while Shada himself will be untouched by pain and exhaustion. Indeed, look at it the other way. If Chain Shada had to suffer five tough fights I’d probably be able to take him in the sixth. Still, it won’t be so bad,’ added the man, with a rueful smile. ‘The other Varlish fighter is said to be almost as good as Shada, so I guess they’ll fight each other in the final. It will be good to see one Varlish pound upon another.’

‘My uncle Jaim will beat them all,’ said Kaelin loyally.

‘Grymauch is fighting?’


‘I’m not sure I’ll stay to see that,’ said the man sadly.

‘He is a great fighter.’

‘I know that, lad. He is also one-eyed.’ He held up his hand. ‘How far is my hand from your face?’

‘Just over two feet.’

‘Do you know how you estimated that?’

‘Of course. I can see it.’

‘Yes. Both your eyes focused on the hand. It is why we have two eyes, so that we can estimate depth and distance. A one-eyed man has no true perception of depth. Added to which his field of vision is restricted. Grymauch is tough, and, by heaven, he’s a highlander to walk the mountains with, but I don’t want to see him step into the circle with either of those bastards. He’ll be lucky if he isn’t blinded.’

Aunt Maev had raised a similar objection and Kaelin felt suddenly fearful. He had goaded Grymauch into fighting, and if anything happened to the big man it would be his fault. He moved away from the circle, scanning the crowd. Banny came alongside.

‘You think he was right?’

‘Can you see Grymauch?’


Together they made their way back across to the food area. Eventually they found Jaim sitting beneath a dead tree. He was drinking from a clay cup. ‘I hope that is not uisge or ale,’ said Kaelin, dropping down to sit beside him. ‘Aunt Maev will cut off your ears and give them back to you as a necklace.’

Jaim grinned. ‘It is water, Ravenheart.’

‘I don’t want you to fight, Grymauch,’ said Kaelin. Jaim looked surprised.

‘You don’t want to see me pound on those Varlish? Why?’

‘You could be hurt by them.’

‘I will be hurt by them. No-one steps into the circle without knowing there will be pain. Now what is really troubling you?’

Kaelin sat silently for a moment. ‘They are circle warriors. They do this all the time. It is their craft. Chain Shada has fought a hundred times and never lost.’

‘I know. I saw him fight once. He moves like a dancer. Every time his opponent hit him he rolled and swayed. It must have been like trying to punch a leaf in the wind. It was beautiful to see.’

‘And you think you can beat him?’

‘It is not about beating him, Kaelin,’ said Grymauch. ‘It is about being willing to face him. We are a conquered race. I cannot argue with that, it is a sad fact of history. But I am not conquered. I am Rigante. There is no man on earth I am frightened to face.’

‘You have only one eye. You could lose it.’

‘Aye, and a tree could fall on me. Now you two lads go off and enjoy yourselves. I have a bout in a short while and I need to focus my mind. Off with you.’ Grymauch leaned back against the tree and closed his eye. Kaelin wanted to say more, but Banny tapped his shoulder, and the two youths walked away.

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Categories: David Gemmell