David Gemmell – Rigante 4 – Stormrider

‘Ah, Ring,’ he said. ‘We were discussing where to fall back to, and when. They have a cavalry force which has punched a breach in our lines. The Source only knows where they are now.’

‘Mostly dead, the rest scattered,’ said Kaelin. ‘We trapped them in a wood to the south.’

‘That’s a damned relief.’ Beck spread a map over the altar table. ‘As far as I can see there is no adequate defensive ground between here and Eldacre. It is mostly flatland. Once we pull back we’ll be at the mercy of any fast-riding column.’ Kaelin rubbed at the wound in his left shoulder. The bayonet had stabbed deep. He could no longer feel any sensation in the fingertips of his left hand, and movement was painful. The bleeding had taken an age to stop, and a deep bruise had extended down over his chest and under his armpit. ‘I hope you keep checking that,’ said Beck. ‘Don’t want it to go bad.’

‘I smear it with honey every morning,’ said Kaelin. ‘It will be fine. Go on.’

‘My best estimate is that we have around six thousand fighting men left. If we are to withdraw successfully we’ll need a tough rearguard to keep them off our backs.’

‘My Rigante.’

‘Only if you are willing, Ring. It’s likely to be a murderously tough assignment, and your Rigante have already performed miracles here. I’ve seen fighting men for most of my life, and I’ve never known the equal of you clansmen. If you feel you have done enough then I’ll stay myself with a division of musketeers.’

Kaelin gave a broad smile. ‘I like you, general,’ he said. ‘Damned if I don’t! We’ll be your rearguard.’

‘If we had a few thousand more men I’d try to hold this line. It’s the best defensive site I’ve seen in years. However, if we stay we’ll be encircled and cut off from supply.’

‘What is your plan?’

‘There is heavy cloud. We’ll pull back in the deepest darkness, and as quietly as possible. You and your Rigante will stay until tomorrow night, and fend them off. Twenty-four hours should see us clear.’

‘And then what?’ enquired Kaelin. ‘Supplies from the east are already lost to us. The western line is barely holding. You think we can win by withdrawing?’

Beck shook his head. ‘No. We just survive a little longer.’

‘What about the badly wounded?’

‘I’ll take as many as I can, but we lack the wagons. Many will have to be left behind.’

‘To be slaughtered,’ pointed out Kaelin.

‘Aye, that’s the reverse side of the coin. It is all very well for Macon to stick heads on poles, but it only encourages the enemy to behave in a similar fashion. That said, we are facing Redeemers and their lackeys, and they are not known for compassion either.’ Beck sighed. ‘I don’t like asking you to undertake this assignment, Ring. I’ll be honest, the chances of you getting out alive are very slim.’

‘Perhaps, general,’ said Kaelin, ‘but I have nine hundred fighting Rigante here. I’d bet them against five thousand of the enemy.’

‘So would I. Unhappily there are around fifteen thousand of them. Do you have enough powder and shot?’

‘Plenty. Not much food, though.’

‘I’ll leave what I can. Just twenty-four hours, Ring, then you and your men should break out and scatter. Go home would be my advice.’

‘Take care, general,’ said Kaelin, reaching out and gripping the man’s hand.

‘You too, Ring. It was a rare pleasure to lead the Rigante.’

Kaelin moved to the doorway, braced himself, then ran across the open ground, dropping flat behind the low wall. The impact caused his shoulder to burn, and he felt the warmth of fresh blood oozing from the wound. Ignoring the pain he pushed on, reaching the abandoned buildings beyond the marketplace. Rayster was there, with around fifty men.

‘What is happening?’ asked the clansman.

‘The army is pulling back to Eldacre.’

‘About time,’ said Rayster.

‘We stay and act as rearguard for twenty-four hours.’

‘They’ll be long hours,’ said Rayster dryly.

Korrin Talis squirmed across open ground and joined them. ‘They seem to have pulled back their snipers,’ he said.

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Categories: David Gemmell