David Gemmell – Rigante 4 – Stormrider

‘I am sorry,’ he said. ‘I meant no offence. But Tostig will come here. There’s nothing to stop him now. I expect he knows Kaelin and the men are gone. You’ll not be safe, and neither will the boy.’

‘I am staying in my home,’ she told him.

Senlic sighed. ‘Very well then. I’ll load more weapons. I expect we’ll hit a few of them. Then they’ll stay back and pick us off as we leave the house over the next few days. Or they’ll come at night. Then sooner or later, Chara, with me dead – and likely the Cochland boys too – you’ll find yourself once more back in that dungeon.’

‘I’ll kill myself before I let that happen again.’

‘Perhaps we could save the boy heartbreak and terror by killing him now,’ said Senlic.

‘Don’t say such stupid things,’ she told him.

‘You need to be away from here,’ he urged her.

‘Then I’ll go alone – just me, little Jaim and Feargol. I don’t need the Cochlands.’

‘Tostig and his men have horses. The snow is still deep and you’d have to carry Feargol and Jaim. You’ll make no distance. You’ll be exhausted within an hour and Tostig will catch you long before nightfall.’

‘Has it occurred to you that all this is a trick? Ten pounds, Senlic. The Cochlands could be planning to murder me in the wilderness and collect the money themselves.’

‘I don’t believe that. Not once has Draig or Eain ever been accused of attacks upon women or children. They steal cattle, Chara. They are lazy men and thieves. You heard Eain. He wants no part in this. He is terrified of Tostig. They both are, though Draig would not admit it. With them you can get to the high country, where Tostig’s horses will be useless. Without them we are all dead.’

‘I can’t do it, Senlic. I can’t.’

‘You can, Chara,’ he said, softly. ‘You are Rigante. We don’t let fear rule us. Given a little time you would come to this realization yourself. But we don’t have time. Every heartbeat of time we waste brings them closer.’ He leaned in towards her, lowering his voice still further. ‘The Cochlands are scum. I’ll grant that. They may even desert you when trouble comes. They won’t harm you, though. Or the boy. So use them like pack ponies until you art clear. Then send them on their way. And bear in mind that they too have Rigante blood.’

‘So did Wullis Swainham,’ she reminded him.

‘Aye, he did,’ admitted Senlic, ‘and he shamed us all. The Cochlands aren’t like him, though. I’d stake my life on that.’

‘You are not staking your life,’ she said, softly. ‘You are staking mine and Jaim’s and Feargol’s.’

‘I am aware of that, Chara.’

They stood in silence for several moments, and Senlic saw the trembling cease, and colour return to Chara’s cheeks. She took a deep breath. ‘Take the Cochlands to the supply store,’ she said. ‘Find them snowshoes and packs, and anything else you think they’ll need.’ She put her hand on the old man’s shoulder, then leaned in and kissed his cheek. ‘You are Rigante, my friend,’ she said. ‘I am sorry I spoke harshly.’

‘Whisht, woman,’ he said, then moved away.

Chara took Feargol upstairs to pack clothing, and Senlic led the Cochlands across to the supply hut. Eain was still complaining, urging Draig to reconsider. Draig told him he was free to return home alone. They continued to argue as they rummaged through the supplies, packing them untidily in canvas backpacks. Senlic left them to it and sat down upon a tack box.

‘We’ll need a musket each,’ said Draig.

‘Why do we need muskets?’ asked Eain. ‘I’m not fighting anybody.’

As they continued to argue Senlic leaned back against the wall of the hut. When the bright light obscured his vision he jerked. It had been years since the Sight had flared. He had thought it long gone now. In that moment he wished that it was. He suddenly groaned. Draig moved alongside him. ‘Are you ill, old man?’

‘I am all right,’ said Senlic, struggling to his feet. ‘You are right. You will need muskets, and a spare pistol each. We have some long hunting knives, bone-handled. Take two of those. You can keep them. You can keep it all once Chara and the children are safe. I don’t doubt that Call Jace will also reward you for saving his daughter and grandson.’

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Categories: David Gemmell