David Gemmell. Winter Warriors

Ulmenetha moved silently alongside them and removed her shoes. Sitting down she rested her feet in the water.

‘What is the third thing?’ asked Conalin, angry that they had been interrupted.

‘That is even harder to explain,’ said Kebra, who was also disconcerted by the arrival of the priestess. ‘The lioness would willingly give her life to save her cubs. That is her way. But I have seen a woman risk her life for someone else’s child. The third instinct compels us to put aside thoughts of self-preservation for the sake of another life, or a principle, or a belief.’

‘I don’t understand,’ said Conalin.

‘You should ask Nogusta. He would explain it better.’

Ulmenetha turned towards them. ‘You don’t need it explained, Conalin,’ she said, softly. ‘When you rescued Pharis it was that third instinct which came into play. And when you stood in that room in Kalizkan’s house and fought against the beast.’

‘It is not the same. I love Pharis and Sufia. But I do not


love the queen. I would not risk death to save her.’

‘It is not about her,’ said Kebra. ‘Not specifically, any­way. It is about many things: honour, self-worth, pride . . .’ he lapsed into silence.

‘Would you die for me?’ asked Conalin, suddenly. ‘I’m hoping not to die for anyone,’ said Kebra, em­barrassed. Swiftly he rose and walked back to the camp. ‘Yes, he would,’ said Ulmenetha. ‘He is a good man.’ ‘I don’t want anyone dying for me,’ the boy told her. ‘I don’t want it!’


Chapter Eight

Nogusta and Dagorian were sitting by the fire, studying the maps Ulmenetha had supplied. Bison was stretched out alongside them, his head resting on his arm. ‘When are we going to eat?’ he grumbled. ‘My stomach thinks my throat’s been cut.’

‘Soon,’ promised Nogusta. He turned back to Dagorian, and spread a second map on the ground beside the fire. The map was of etched leather, the hide stained white. Once there had been many colours, de­noting woods, mountains and lakes. But these were badly faded now, and some of the etching had worn away. Even so the scale was good and both men could just make out the symbols showing the positions of forest roads and river crossings. ‘I would think we are close to here,’ said Nogusta, indicating an etched spear on the top right-hand corner of the map. ‘The outer edge of the Forest of Lisaia. According to the map there are three bridges. Two questions arise: Are they still there, and, if they are, what effect will the spring floods have upon them? I have seen bridges under water at this time of year in the mountains.’

Til ride ahead and scout them tomorrow,’ said Dagorian. The young man stared down at the map. ‘Once we reach the high country beyond we will have to leave the wagon.’ Nogusta nodded. The only other route was to journey all the way to the ghost city of Lem, and


then take the coast road. This would add 80 miles to the journey. In the distance a wolf howled. The sound hung eerily in the air. Dagorian shivered.

Nogusta smiled. ‘Contrary to popular belief wolves do not attack men,’ he said.

‘I know. But it chills the blood nonetheless.’

‘I was bitten by a wolf once,’ said Bison. ‘On the arse.’

‘One can only pity the wolf,’ said Nogusta.

Bison chuckled. ‘It was a she-wolf and I got too close to her cubs, I guess. She chased me for half a mile. You remember? It was back at Corteswain. Kebra did the stitching. I had a fever for four days.’

‘I remember,’ said Nogusta. ‘We all drew lots and Kebra lost. He says the sight haunts him to this day.’

‘Left a nasty scar,’ said Bison. Rolling to his knees he dropped his leggings. ‘Look at that!’ he said, pointing his buttocks towards Dagorian. The officer laughed aloud.

‘You are quite right, Bison. That’s one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen.’ Bison hauled up his leggings and buckled his belt. He was grinning broadly.

‘I tell all the whores it’s a war wound from a Ventrian spear.’ He swung towards Kebra. ‘Are we going to eat or starve to death?’ he bawled.

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Categories: David Gemmell