David Gemmell. Winter Warriors

Some way back, sitting with her back to a tree, Axiana accepted a cup of water from Pharis. The slim, dark-haired girl squatted down before the queen. ‘Are you feeling better now?’ she asked.

‘I am hungry,’ said Axiana. ‘Fetch me something from the wagon. Some fruit.’

Pharis was delighted to obey. The order made her a servant of the queen, an honourable role, and she was determined to fulfil it well. She ran to the wagon and rummaged in the food sacks. Little Sufia was sitting there, unmoving, her eyes staring up at the sky.


‘What are you looking at?’ asked Pharis.

The little girl took a deep breath. ‘Fetch Nogusta,’ she said, her voice cool and distant.

‘He’s talking to the officer. I’d better not disturb him.’

‘Fetch him now,’ said Sufia. Pharis looked hard at the little girl.

‘What is wrong?’

‘Do it now, child, for time is short.’ Pharis felt goose-flesh upon her arms, and backed away.

‘Nogusta!’ she called. ‘Come quickly!’ The black warrior ran across to the wagon, followed by Dagorian and Kebra.

‘What is it?’ he asked. Pharis simply pointed to the small blonde child. She was sitting cross-legged facing them, her face serene, her blue eyes bright.

‘The wolves are coming,’ said Sufia. ‘Draw your swords! Do it now!’ Although the voice was that of the child, the words were spoken with great authority.

Suddenly the queen screamed.

A huge grey wolf padded from the trees, then another. And another.

One raced forward, straight at Bison, who was sitting beside the fire. The giant reared up and, as the gleaming fangs darted towards his throat, hammered a blow to the wolf’s face. The beast spun away, rolled, and attacked again. As it leapt Bison grabbed it by the throat and hurled it at the pack. Nogusta grabbed Pharis and threw her onto the wagon, then drew his sword as a wolf leapt for him. The blade flashed in the moonlight, slash­ing through the beast’s neck. Kebra was hurled to the ground as another beast lunged at him. One of the horses screamed and went down. Dagorian lanced his blade through the chest of a huge grey male, then swung towards Axiana. She was sitting by the tree, and not one


of the beasts approached her. Conalin and Ulmenetha had waded into the lake, and one of the beasts was swimming out towards them. Another wolf leapt. Dagorian jumped backwards, the fangs snapping at his face. Thrusting up his sword he plunged it into the wolf’s belly. On the ground beside him, his left hand gripping the fur of a wolf’s throat, Kebra plunged his dagger again and again into the side of the beast. The wolf slumped down over him.

On the back of the wagon Sufia stood and raised her arms over her head, bringing her hands slowly together. She was chanting as she did so. Blue fire formed around her fingers. Her right arm snapped forward, pointing to the lake. A ball of fire flew from her hand, exploding against the back of the swimming wolf. It thrashed about, flames licking over its fur. Then it swam away.

Her left hand dropped and the fire flew down into the earth beside the wagon, flaring up with a tremendous flash. The wolf pack scattered and ran back into the forest.

Dagorian felt a pain in his arm. He glanced down to see blood dripping from a bite to his left forearm. He could not recall being bitten. Bison walked over to where he stood. His left ear was sliced open, blood streaming to his thick neck.

Five wolves were dead in the campsite.

Kebra pushed the body of the dead wolf to one side and rose unsteadily. For a moment no-one spoke. ‘Wolves don’t attack people, you said,’ Bison pointed out to Nogusta. Lifting his hand to his blood-covered ear he swore.

‘They do if the Entukku inspire them,’ said the voice of Sufia. Ulmenetha and Conalin waded ashore and


approached the wagon. Pharis was sitting against the food sacks, her knees drawn up. She was staring fearfully at the child.

‘Who are you?’ asked Nogusta. Sufia sat down, her little legs dangling over the tailboard.

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Categories: David Gemmell